Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Education (Centre for Learning Environment), University of Stavanger, is both a research centre and a National Education Centre, assisting the national educational authorities in their work to implement the national educational policy in preschools and schools in Norway.
The Centre has roots back to 1989. In 2013 it was established as a national centre for research and education.
In Stavanger and in Porsgrunn.
The Centre has about 95 employees.
Nasjonalt senter for læringsmiljø og atferdsforskning, Postboks 8600 Forus, 4036 Stavanger
+47 - 51 83 29 00

Due to the Centre’s dual focus, our main goals are two-fold. On the one hand, our aim is to produce state-of-the-art research-based knowledge on learning environment in kindergarten and schools and on socio-emotional developmental challenges among children and youth. On the other hand, we seek to provide developmental resources and support for preschools and schools in their work to promote a healthy learning environment and to effectively tackle and prevent learning environment related problems among children and youth.
Vision: Research and competence-building towards promoting healthy learning environments and reducing social and emotional challenges and problems in preschools and schools.
The work of the Centre for Learning Environment is tightly connected to and reflects the current society and societal changes and development, which characterize childhood and youth today and in the future.
For further information about the Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Education, please, contact us.