The Centre for Industrial Asset Management (CIAM) is a collaborative network comprising various companies and a university focusing on industrial asset management.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
About CIAM
The Centre for Industrial Asset Management (CIAM) is a collaborative network comprising various companies and a university focusing on industrial asset management. While the University of Stavanger (UiS) administers CIAM, the member companies control it via a board.

The main objectives of CIAM are to facilitate technological and competence development within pertinent fields through dialogues between the university and the member companies and inter-company discussions.
CIAM fosters collaboration between companies and universities by keeping them updated about new national and international trends and opportunities. It takes the initiative in establishing and participating in research and development projects within CIAM's scope. A significant role of CIAM is contributing to the education of highly qualified students within its areas of interest and implementing relevant educational initiatives.
The core focus areas of CIAM include Analytics, Innovation, Digitalization, and Industry 4.0. These areas are explored primarily through meeting series within subject areas such as Operation and Maintenance, Safety and Risk, Data Management, Human Capital, Asset Economy, and Engineering.
By encouraging knowledge transfer and experience exchange between companies, research forums, and universities, both nationally and internationally, CIAM strives to advance industrial asset management through its unique collaborative model.
EU Sucess Story in Eigersund Municipality
It’s a big pleasure to announce that Eigersund Næring og Havn (ENH)/Eigersund municipality will receive new EU funding from INTERREG program – North sea region.

EU success story in Eigersund municipality
There is 48,6 million euros for 14 new projects. ENH is partner of two of these projects:
- D4A Data for All. Data-driven Public Service Delivery in the North Sea Region. We’re 19 Partners from seven North Sea states and will develop seven state-of-the-art innovative data-related concepts in a novel approach of national pilot consortia collaborating via four transnational spheres. The overall scientific and practical knowledge will be fed into the D4A roadmap, a digital content platform providing intuitive hands-on support and step by step guide to municipalities and regional authorities from all over Europe.
- REDII Ports Renewable Energy Development and Intelligent Implementation in PORTS. The objective of this project is to determine the conditions for blueprinting a medium-to-long term strategy that enables ports to become springboard for new green energy developments in the said fields. The results o this project This will allow at least 250 ports/involved external organizations to increase their capacity to take informed decisions on the matter.
We, from Eigersund, a small municipality in Norway located in the southwest coast of Norway, are so proud to be part (until now) of 6 EU projects. Currently, we have so diversified projects from decarbonizing islands, digitalization, renewables, and low carbon energy. Below you can find more information about other projects that we’re involved.
- H2020 project- ROBINSON - Ny fane (
- H2020 project - RIPEET - Home Page | RIPEET Project
Egersund (the main city of Eigersund municipality) will also become a pilot for a project in Wind energy education (T-SHORE) via ERASMUS plus program. For this project the partner is Energy Innovation.
Finally, from October we start a project on waste to Energy, CARBIOW – Carbon Negative Biofuels from Organic Waste . This is research and innovation project which received the max score from the Horizon Europe program, excellent. This project will be developed by Svåheia Eiendom AS (SEAS). We’re work package leader on business and exploitation, and this will involve 3 municipalities: Eigersund, Sokndal and Bjerkreim, located in Rogaland region, in Norway.
We’re small but with great ambitions. You will certainly hear about our success developing EU projects since Egersund is now a Horizon hot spot!
Thematic Areas
Our ongoing mission is to foster collaboration, continuous innovation, and value creation.

These Thematic areas provide an open environment where our experts and partners interact, discuss challenges, share knowledge, and work toward finding innovative solutions.
Members can address their challenges thru various activities, including thematic seminars, workshops with global experts, study sessions, conferences, and joint-industry projects. This design keeps our partners one step ahead by promoting a knowledge cluster that is both dynamic and productive.
We currently focus on the following thematic areas:
Thematic Areas
CIAM Membership
As a member of CIAM, you join a network of competent people who share the same professional interest as you. You get the opportunity to participate in discussions in the professional knowledge hubs of your interest.

You also get the opportunity to initiate student projects at your company. This can be at bachelor, master or PhD level.
We offer two kinds of memberships:
- Company membership, where any number of participants from the company can attend any CIAM event.
- Individual membership is for those who work in a company which is not a member of CIAM. You can sign up as personal member and get access to areas of interest, exactly like company members.
For more information about CIAM membership, contact us at
To develop networks between companies and between the company and the university is essential for a company which wants to develop well. The different professional environments within the company needs to connect to different partners to be relevant for the daily work. CIAM offers a unique opportunity to achieve this. Through the different thematic areas, the company can develop networks on several levels where different people connect to the relevant partners. As company member, there are no limitations on the number of employees participating on any of the arrangements at CIAM. The membership is also a good opportunity to run student projects at the company on any level (bachelor, master or Ph.D). This also represents a possibility for the company to recruit and check out possible future employees. The student projects will be a cooperation between the student, the company, and the supervisor from the university. Since the university is an active member of CIAM, the company membership also implies a possibility for the company to influence the direction in which the university should develop. The company will have a saying in what skills the university should develop and teach to educate future employees who will be relevant to the industry. The membership fee is dependent on the revenue of the company. For the smallest companies, the fee is 15.000 NOK, while it is 49.000 NOK for the biggest. Do not hesitate to contact us at to discuss membership for your company.
As a network of competence, we want to include companies, professional environments, and individuals who fucus on operation and maintenance of critical equipment or assets. Through our activities we want all the individuals participating to develop their competence to be better contributors to increased value creation at the companies where they are employed. We know there are a lot of individuals in companies who possess a deep competence or interest in asseet management, but where the company itself is not a CIAM member. Thus we have opened up for individual membership. As individual member you have the same rights as employees assosiated with a company membership. This means you can sign up to any arrangement in the CIAM network. You can sign up for any of the arrangements and develop your network. For a company membership, the company can sign up any and how many they want of their employees to all arrangements within CIAM. The individual membership is personal and can therefore not be transferred to other persons in your company. In addition, also company members influence the network most, since they are the only ones eligible to vote in the yearly general assembly meeting. The yearly fee for the individual membership is 3000 NOK. For more information about CIAM membership, contact us at
Professor Jan Frick Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering and Materials Science E-mail:
Our goal:
"Increased value creation and reduced risk exposure for our industrial partners"

It's not about ideas. It's about making ideas happen
Conferences and Seminars
National and international conferences, seminars and fairs in the scope of CIAM

30th Euroma 2023, July 1 - 6, Leuven, Belgium
33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2023), 3 - 8 September 2023, Southamton, UK
SEFI2023, September 11 - 14. 2023, Dublin, Ireland
Advanced Production Management Systems 2023, APMS, September 17 - 21, Trondheim, Norway
Previous CIAM Events
Past arrangements, events and Lunch Seminars under the auspices of CIAM:

- Challenges with legislation in view of operations of autonomous and remote controlled vessels, Kristine Prøsch (Massterly), 24.10.2024
- Decision Quality – What is it and Why it Matters for Value Creation, Reidar Bratvold (UiS), 15.10.2024
- Enhancing technical and safety integrity to mitigate unwanted events and accidents, Hubert Zawadzki (UiS), 28.06.2024
- Seminar on Enterprise Asset Management System, Jawad Raza (Moreld Apply), Saurabh Kumar (AkerBP), Sukhvir Singh Panesar (ConocoPhillips), Alisa Smerdova (SAR), John Inge Røtting (Star Information Systems), Jarl Håkon Pedersen (GE Healthcare), 14.06.2024
- Maritime Research Alliance, Thomas Roslyng Olesen, 28.05.2024
- Introduction to Asset Performance Forecasting, David Lorkin (DNV), Remi Alao (DNV), 25.04.2024
- Sustainable Waste to Energy: SEAS presents EU projects, CARBIOW Conference and internships, Arild Refsland (Svåheia Eiendom), Roger Larsen (Svåheia Eiendom), 17.04.2024
- End-to-end vibration monitoring solution, Rune Schlanbusch (NORCE), 19.03.2024
- Verdiskapning for fremtiden, Møyfrid Risdal (Vekstpartner), Annette Anfinnsen (Robotic Innovation), Sigbjørn Ullestad (NMI Group), Mona Wetrhus Minde (UiS), Eirik Njærheim (Jærtek), Øystein Sveinsvoll Skoge (Thor Kraft), 08.03.2024
- Sustainable Energy Solutions for Offshore Oil and Gas: An AI-Powered Microgrid Optimization Approach, Reyhaneh Banihabib, UiS, 18.01.2024
- Addressing Asset Integrity Management Challenges in Closely Spaced Welds Fabrication, Dr. R.M. Chandima Ratnayake, UiS, 10.01.2024