Emergency preparedness for your outbound exchange

Should a crisis occur when you are abroad, it is important that you know what to do and who to contact.

Published Updated on

24/7 Emergency contact numbers

Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: +47 23 95 00 00

UiS' Emergency Line: +47 417 75 566

Sjømannskirken - Norwegian Church Abroad: +47 951 19 181

Before you leave

You must familiarise yourself with the national and local security conditions in the country/area you are traveling to. Please also check security advice on Sikresiden.no.

Emergency preparedness form

In the Exchange Guide in the Digital Student Service Desk, you will find our Emergency preparedness form. This is meant as a checklist before your exchange and includes information about responsibility, insurance, health, and crisis notification procedures. Log in and find the link to the form under the Prepare phase. We recommend that you do this well in advance of your departure.

Please contact the International Office through the Exchange Guide if you have any questions about the Emergency preparedness form.


It is important that you check if your home country offers any form of travel registration services for their citizens.

As soon as you have an address and possibly a new phone number abroad, you must update your contact information in Studentweb. Please also remember to register information about your emergency contacts. This makes it easier for UiS to contact you if anything should happen during your exchange.

Pre-departure meeting

The International Office arranges a pre-departure meeting for emergency preparedness in collaboration with a few external Norwegian partners. Unfortunately, this meeting is held in Norwegian and is targeted mainly at Norwegian students due to the nature of the external partners.

If something happens during your stay

If you experience an emergency situation, please follow the guidelines outlined on the emergency preparedness website for Norwegian institutions: sikresiden.no.