SHARE is a multidisciplinary Centre with over 70 researchers affiliated including nurses, medical doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapist, lawyers, sociologist, engineers, radiographers, and safety scientists.

The Centre’s main pillar is the solid base of PhD scholars conducting research in areas such as interdisciplinary teamwork, co-production, involvement, telecare, regulation, evaluation of improvement measures, and analysis of healthcare processes. Many of the PhD scholars apply a resilience perspective to their research topics. Currently, SHARE has 35 ongoing PhD projects and in 2022 six new PhD were completed. Congratulation for the great achievement.
The Centre has been in operation since 2017 and during 2022 the partnership structure changed. The current Centre partners are the University of Stavanger, Faculty of Health Sciences together with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Gjøvik (NTNU Gjøvik). SHARE would like to thank the Norwegian Air Ambulance for the important contribution and collaboration to establish SHARE and as partner through the first phase of the Center period.
In 2022 there has been a high activity level in terms of application for funding, mobility, internationalization, and strategic efforts to position the Centre in the forefront of the research field. Key activities in the consortium have been to revise and update SHARE’s research strategy, Involvement strategy and Dissemination plan for 2023-2027. Teams representing the partners and researchers at different career stages collaborated with the Centre management in meetings, open seminars and hearings to get input and involvement from the affiliated members and SHARE’s involvement panel and to agree on our priorities for the next period. The Board approved the strategies and plans in November 2022.
Two major research applications were successfully granted by the Research Council of Norway and EU during the year. In 2023 the Involvement project, (led by Petter Viksveen and team) and the EU doctorial network Tool4Teams (led by Sissel Eikeland Husebø) will start, and new research talents will be enrolled into PhD program and research activities in the Centre. Furthermore, funding from the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision to projects on evaluation of regulatory practice has been granted (led by Sina Furnes Øyri and Inger Johanne Bergerød). In addition, the Centre has been highly active in additional applications for funding, and we would like to thank all the researchers for their major efforts.

The mobility activities of incoming and outgoing researchers and internationalization through conferences and seminar participation characterized 2022. SHARE hosted “International week” in August with an open international seminar on quality and safety in healthcare at Ydalir. World leading researchers from Australia, Brazil, USA, the Netherlands, Norway were on the program and presented research and reflections aiming for learning across countries and sectors.
Finally, the Centre activities, relevance, and longstanding effort to improve quality and safety in healthcare were acknowledged when Siri Wiig together with the Centre received Lyse’s Research Award for 2022.