SHARE collaborates with world leading researchers and research groups in the field of patient safety.

SHARE’s strategic vision is to become an internationally recognized research centre by reforming the understanding of quality and safety in current healthcare systems.
To achieve such status, the Centre must develop, share, and communicate new knowledge at all levels of healthcare systems and collaborate with leading researcher worldwide.
SHARE collaborates with world leading researchers and research groups in Scandinavia, Europe, Australia, USA, Canada and Japan. The internationalisation efforts take several forms with the most important being researcher mobility, joint grant applications, organisation of expert panels and seminars, attendance at conferences, and adjunct professorships.
During 2022 both researcher mobility and international conference attendance have increased significantly after covid restriction stopped.
Key internationalization activities throughout 2022:
- SHARE hosted the “SHARE international seminar on quality and safety in healthcare – learning across countries and sectors” with world leading researchers presenting from USA, the Netherlands, Australia, Norway and Brazil.
- SHARE researchers were keynote speakers at seminars and conferences in Australia, England, New Zealand, and Norway.
- The Involvement project participated at an international youth mental health conference in Copenhagen with 10 youth co-researchers.
- As partner in the DIKU project STERNA, SHARE participated in running the course Resilience Engineering and Safety Management for Complex Socio-Technical Systems, which is conducted in collaboration with universities in Norway and Brazil. The course was available for master and PhD students.
- Five international adjunct professors and four international honorary professors are affiliated with SHARE
- SHARE hosted an exchange meeting with the English Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) during HSIB’s visit to the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board.
- SHARE provided input to an American initiative to establish a National Patient Safety Board in the USA focusing on independent safety investigation. This also included experience exchange to the American President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST).

SHARE hosted the “SHARE international seminar on quality and safety in healthcare – learning across countries and sectors” with more than 60 participants!

The seminar gathered people from different projects, research fields and countries to create an arena for networking and meeting across academic fields and disciplines.

Jeffrey Braithwaite,Professor, founding Director, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Australia/Professor II SHARE, held a presentation entitled The Future of Healthcare to 2030: Implications for Norway.

Presenters at the Ydalir international seminar.

During the seminar, a group of the international guests enjoyed a hike to the Pulpit Rock. Here is David Bates, Professor, Harvard Medical School, USA and Professor II SHARE.

Several of our guests joined the hike.

David, Jeffrey and Siri.

Kristy Stohlmann and Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland from SHARE.

SHARE hosted an exchange meeting with the English Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) during HSIB’s visit to the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board.

SHARE researchers were keynote speakers at seminars and conferences in Sweeden, Australia, England, New Zealand, and Norway.

PhD candidate Birte Fagerdal at the
6th Nordic Conference on Research in Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare.

PhD candidate Malin Magerøy presented her project.
Researcher mobility
SHARE’s mobility program includes mobility in the large research projects to visit partners and host partner visits at SHARE, in addition to the PhD and post doc mobility and other research visits.
Some of the researchers in the Centre have spent longer periods abroad during 2022. During the spring, PhD Student Torunn Strømme spend 3 months at ERASMUS University in Rotterdam visiting Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management. Erasmus is a collaborating partner in the SAFE-LEAD project, in which Strømme is part of. PhD candidate Karolina Mæland has also recieved financial support from SHARE in order to spend five weeks abroad at Uppsala University in Sweden.
Kristin Akerjordet and Siri Wiig both spent three months in Australia during the fall. Akerjordet has a longstanding collaboration with the University of Wollongong (UW) while Wiig visited the Australian Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI). AIHI is a partner in the Resilience in Healthcare project and has hosted multiple research visits from SHARE researchers since 2015. Both the UW and AIHI research environments have kindly included the SHARE researchers in fruitful meetings over time, resulting in multiple publications and ongoing collaborating activities.
Getting to know University of Wollongong and University of New South Wales with new contacts and collaborations is rewarding and makes it even more fun when I return next time and hopefully also results in more people visiting us in SHARE
Furthermore, SHARE researchers also carried out several shorter research visits to Malawi and Tanzania, and Brazil. In the NORHED project Ingrid Tjoflåt visited both Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College in Tanzania and Kamuzu University of Health Sciences in Malawi twice in 2022. The project carried out workshops and simulation-based training and data collection. Inger Johanne Bergerød and Sina Furnes Øyri visited Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre as part of the mobility program in the Sterna project collaboration between Norway and Brazil.
The Centre puts major efforts in being an attractive environment for international incoming researchers at all levels. 2022 was a success in terms of hosting international guests. Both Elizabeth Austin from Australian Institute of Health Innovation and Stephen Billett from Griffith University Australia, visited SHARE as part of the Resilience in Healthcare project. They spent one month each and several articles, research ideas and conference papers were generated. Furthermore, as part of the International week our adjunct professors Jeffrey Braithwaite (Australia) and David Bates from the USA visited SHARE along with Johanna Westbrook, Robyn Clay Williams, Peter Hibbert, Janet Long, Louise Ellis (Australia), Jessica Mesman (the Netherlands), Tarcisio Saurin (Brazil), and Tor Olav Grøtan (Norway).
All together the internationalization and mobility program create avenues for knowledge generations, collaboration, projects, international networks, and new friendship advanced thought academia. The social program and being able to meet over time and test academic ideas and reflect in international settings are all crucial elements for building an international research centre in the forefront of the field

Kristin Akerjordet, Peter Caputi and Siri Wiig in Wollongong, Australia.

Siri Wiig: "It has been a great pleasure to spend time with international world leading researchers at AIHI. It is a huge inspiration and a great learning opportunity.
I would like to thank professor Jeffrey Braithwaite and all the colleagues at AIHI for the hospitality, collaboration and friendship. Also getting to know University of Wollongong and University of New South Wales with new contacts and collaborations is rewarding and makes it even more fun when I return next time and hopefully also results in more people visiting us in SHARE”. (Maquarie University Sydney)

Sina F. Øyri: "It was an amazing experience to get to see firsthand the impressive work that is being done by the research staff at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation. During my stay I was fortunate to getting the chance to attend the workshop “Creating Integrated, Safe Healthcare Systems: Lessons from around the World” along with national and international speakers sharing their knowledge from diverse countries on improving health system sustainability".

Sina F. Øyri and Inger Johanne Bergerød: "We were welcomed warmly by our host Professor Tarcisio Saurin and his colleague Professor Carlos Formoso. We did multiple presentations of SHARE and its research areas and current studies during our stay, as well as doing several site visits. These included a visit to Hospital Moinhos de Vento (private hospital), meeting with staff in charge of patient safety policies, and a visit to Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre (the university hospital)". (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre in Brazil)

Elizabeth Austin: "I am incredibly grateful to have visited the SHARE team at the University of Stavanger. I experienced the vibrant collegiality and the very valuable opportunity to talk and listen to colleagues from other areas of healthcare research. The conversations about projects, concepts, and theories, as well as the discussions over morning coffee in the tea room, continue to shape my thoughts and research and have led to new ideas and partnerships".

Torunn Strømme: "The spring of 2022 i spent 10 weeks in Rotterdam at the Erasmus University. I was welcomed into the research group Health Care Governance. It was very nice to experience a new work environment with good colleagues, receive new contacts and be invited into their meetings and experience their co-working as a research group. During the period I rented an apartment and experienced to live alone – which I never have done before. It was very nice to become known in the city and sightsee Rotterdam and Netherland. During the period I had visits from family and friends."

Karolina S. Mæland, "During my stay at Upsala Univeristy in Sweeden, I had time to network with other researchers in global health. I also had time to immerse myself and intensify the work on my PhD thesis.
The financial support from SHARE was important for completing the exchange and I am very grateful for the award".