The Queer Research Group organizes seminars addressing current research topics and projects under development, mainly based at institutions in Norway, but with transnational and interdisciplinary reach.
About the Queer Research Group
The Group provides an arena for inspiration, provocation, collaboration and support for researchers and students who work in queer theory, methodology, pedagogy, and academic praxis more broadly.
The Queer Research Group was established fall 2020. It provides a forum for academic discussions of theoretical, methodological, and ethical topics in the interdisciplinary field of queer and LGBTQ+ studies and queer theory, hosts presentations and collaborations to do with publishing, funding, and work applications, and shares relevant literature and references.
The Group has members from postgraduate to professorial level, and from a wide range of disciplinary and institutional affiliations. A principal ambition is for the Group to offer a platform for queer research and researchers based at Norwegian universities and colleges, to promote queer scholarship nationally.
Considering the current geopolitical climate as regards anti-gender politics and attacks on democratic principles and rights, another central ambition for the Group is to encourage increased collaboration and dialogue between Norwegian, Nordic, and international researchers, and political mobilizations in this field.
lambda nordica
-nordic journal of queer- and lgbt-research

Since spring 2020, lambda nordica has been edited by Elisabeth Lund Engebretsen at the UiS Centre for Gender Studies, together with colleague Erika Alm at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. The journal is Open Access and digitally available to read here.
Please send us an email with information about yourself and why you are interested in joining this group. The information you share will only be used for the purpose of sharing information on group events. Read more about GDPR.
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