From autumn 2024 all students will receive an Erasmus+ travel grant based on travel distance and mode of transportation. The travel grant rate is higher if your travel with environmentally friendly modes of transportation.

"Travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel, such as bus, train or car-pooling."
Why is environmentally friendly travel supported?
The additional grant for environmentally friendly travel aims to help reduce the carbon footprint of students going on exchange, especially by reducing air travel. It also facilitates more students to go on exchange to Europe.
How to get the grant
To be eligible for the grant, at least 50 per cent of the travel distance (from Norway to the exchange destination) must be covered by environmentally friendly modes of transport such as bus, electric car, bicycle, train, or carpooling. Please note that travel by boat is not included.
Extra days of grant for travel
In addition to the green travel grant, you can get up to 6 extra days of grant for travel. The duration of the journey (round-trip) must be documented for the assessment of an additional grant for up to 6 days related to the travel.
Payment and documentation
Grants for green travel, and any extra day grants for travel, will be paid along with any remaining grant after the end of the exchange.
Green travel must be documented by filling in and signing a declaration, "Declaration on Honour", after your exchange stay. Receipts, tickets, or similar, for completed green travel must be attached to the declaration.
Upload the "Declaration on Honour (PDF)" and documentation of the journey in the Exchange Guide.
If you have any questions, contact the Erasmus+ coordinator in the Exchange Guide.