Emiel Janssen


Emiel Janssen


Email: emiel.janssen@uis.no

Location: Stavanger


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering

About me

Based on my experience, I have come to appreciate the major problem of over- and undertreatment of  cancer patients and its impacts on patients and healthcare systems. My research program is devoted to diminishing patient suffering from over- and undertreatment by developing better diagnostics for treatment decision making. The development, validation and implementation of new biomarkers is the main focus of our research. My laboratory has particular expertise in RNA profiling, including analysis of gene expression and microRNAs. Furthermore we use digital pathology, image analysis tools, and artificial intelligence algorithms to improve current diagnostics in pathology. Breast cancer, gynecological cancer and urological cancer are the main malignancies that we investigate.
