Trygve Christian Eftestøl


Trygve Christian Eftestøl


Telephone: 51832035


Room: KE E-435


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Urdal, Jarle


      Signal Processing for Newborn Survival - from Labour to Resuscitation.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-942-6.

      Hefte 535.

    • Meinich-Bache, Øyvind; Austvoll, Ivar


      Automatic Video Analysis in Resuscitation.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-900-6.

      Hefte 499.

    • Vu, Thi Phuong Huyen


      Respiratory-cardio signal processing and analysis of resuscitation data on newborns in low-resource settings.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-661-6.

      Hefte 302.

    • Oppedal, Ketil; Aarsland, Dag; Beyer, Mona K.


      White Matter Lesions and Pattern Recognition in MRI of Neurodegenerative Dementia.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-674-6.

      Hefte 313.

    • Oskal, Kay Raymond


      Myocardial damage during mountain bike race - an analysis of data from Nordsjørittet 2014 (NEEDED study).

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve Christian


      Signal analysis of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest electrocardiograms for decision support during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

      Tapir Akademisk Forlag.

      ISBN 978-82-7984-091-6.

  • Formidling
    • Kanwal, Neel; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Khoraminia, Farbod; Tahlita C. M, Zuiverloon; Engan, Kjersti


      Vision Transformers for Small Histological Datasets Learned Through Knowledge Distillation.

      27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2023;

      2023-05-25 - 2023-05-28.

    • Fuster Navarro, Saul; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Engan, Kjersti; Kiraz, Umay; Janssen, Emiel; Kvikstad, Vebjørn


      Towards Automatic Staging of Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer.

      NORA 2022;

      2022-06-09 - 2022-06-10.

    • Fuster Navarro, Saul; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Engan, Kjersti; Kiraz, Umay; Janssen, Emiel; Kvikstad, Vebjørn


      Towards Automatic Staging of NonMuscle Invasive Bladder Cancer.

      hAIST 22;

      2022-06-13 - 2022-06-14.

    • Fuster Navarro, Saul; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Engan, Kjersti; Kiraz, Umay; Kvikstad, Vebjørn; Janssen, Emiel


      Invasive Cancerous Area Detection in Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Whole Slide Images.

      IVMSP 2022;

      2022-06-26 - 2022-06-29.

    • Fuster Navarro, Saul; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Engan, Kjersti


      Nested Multiple Instance Learning with Attention Mechanisms.

      ICMLA 2022;

      2022-12-12 - 2022-12-14.

    • Wetteland, Rune; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian


      Parameterized Extraction of Tiles in Multilevel Gigapixel Images (Oral presentation).

      International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis;

      2021-09-13 - 2021-09-15.

    • Fuster Navarro, Saul; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian


      A Nested Multiple Instance Learning Framework.

      NOBIM 2021;

      2021-09-13 - 2021-09-14.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Stokka, Svein Erik; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Rad, Ali Bahrami; Irusta, Unai; Aramendi, Elisabete; Alonso, Erik; Nordseth, Trond; Skogvoll, Eirik; Wik, Lars; Kramer-Johansen, Jo


      A probabilistic function to model the relationship between quality of chest compressions and the physiological response for patients in cardiac arrest.

      Computing in Cardiology 2020;

      2020-09-13 - 2020-09-16.

    • Urdal, Jarle; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Yarrot, Ladislaus Blacy; Kidanto, Hussein; Ersdal, Hege Langli


      Noise and Contraction Detection using Fetal Heart Rate and Accelerometer Signals During Labour .

      17th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics (SHI2019);

      2019-11-12 - 2019-11-13.

    • Wetteland, Rune; Engan, Kjersti; Kvikstad, Vebjørn; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Janssen, Emiel


      Multiscale Deep Neural Networks for Multiclass Tissue Classification of Histological Whole-Slide Images.

      Medical Imaging with Deep Learning: MIDL 2019.

    • Larsen, Simen Norrheim; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Ferreira, Daniel; Westman, Eric; Abdelnour, Carla; Aarsland, Dag; Oppedal, Ketil


      Data-assisted differential diagnosis of dementia by deep neural networks .

      Mohn Medical Imaging and Visualization Centre Conference;

      2019-12-09 - 2019-12-10.

    • Bakke, Magnus; Borgen, Alexander; Norvik, Anders; Skjeflo, Gunnar Waage; Irusta, Unai; Tannvik, Tomas Dybos; Bergum, Daniel; Aramendi, Elisabete; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Skogvoll, Eirik


      Physiological effects of adrenaline in human cardiac arrest from PEA - a pilot study .

      Resuscitation Science Symposium;

      2019-11-16 - 2019-11-17.

    • Schulz, Jörn; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Jatosh, Samwel; Hussein, Kidanto; Ersdal, Hege Langli


      State transition modeling of complex monitored health data.

      5th Joint Statistical Meeting DAGStat 2019;

      2019-03-18 - 2019-03-22.

    • Meinich-Bache, Øyvind; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Austvoll, Ivar



      International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP);

      2018-10-07 - 2018-10-10.

    • Nordseth, Trond; Skogvoll, Eirik; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Kvaløy, Jan Terje



      Resuscitation Science Symposium;

      2018-11-10 - 2018-11-11.

    • Nordseth, Trond; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Skogvoll, Eirik; Kvaløy, Jan Terje



      Resuscitation Science Symposium;

      2018-11-10 - 2018-11-11.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Stokka, Svein Erik; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Rad, Ali Bahrami; Irusta, Unai; Aramendi, Elisabete; Alonso, Erik; Nordseth, Trond; Skogvoll, Eirik; Wik, Lars; Kramer-Johansen, Jo


      A machine learning approach to model a probabilistic relationship between parameters reflecting quality of chest compressions and physiological response during out-of-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

      ERC Congress 2018;

      2018-09-20 - 2018-09-22.

    • Le, Kjell; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Engan, Kjersti; Ørn, Stein; Kleiven, Øyunn


      High Frequency Noise Detection and Handling in ECG Signals.

      European Signal Processing Conference 2018;

      2018-09-03 - 2018-09-07.

    • Le, Kjell; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Engan, Kjersti; Kleiven, Øyunn; Ørn, Stein


      Invariant electrical mean axis in electrocardiogram.

      Computing in cardiology 2018 ;

      2018-09-23 - 2018-09-26.

    • Wetteland, Rune; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Kvikstad, Vebjørn; Janssen, Emiel


      Histological Image Segmentation of Bladder Cancer Using Machine Learning.

      NOBIM 2018 - National conference on image processing and pattern recognition;

      2018-03-12 - 2018-03-13.

    • Le, Kjell; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Engan, Kjersti; Rong, Chunming; Ørn, Stein; Kleiven, Øyunn


      Noise detection and handling in ECG signals.

      Norsk Forening for Bildebehandling og Mønstergjenkjenning;

      2018-03-12 - 2018-03-13.

    • Khanmohammadi, Mahdieh; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; sæland, charlotte; Larsen, Alf Inge



      IEEE Signal Processing ;

      2017-11-14 - 2017-11-16.

    • Urdal, Jarle; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Kidanto, Hussein; Yarrot, Ladislaus Blacy; Eilevstjønn, Joar; Ersdal, Hege Langli


      Signal Processing and Classification for Identification of Clinically Important Parameters During Neonatal Resuscitation.

      IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing Applications (IEEE ICSIPA 2017);

      2017-09-12 - 2017-09-14.

    • Meinich-Bache, Øyvind; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Austvoll, Ivar


      Detecting Chest Compression Depth Using a Smartphone Camera and Motion Segmentation.

      Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis;

      2017-06-12 - 2017-06-14.

    • Engan, Kjersti; Naranjo, Valery; Eftestøl, Trygve; Ørn, Stein; Woie, Leik


      Segmentation of LG Enhanced Cardiac MRI.

      Bioimagin, Biosted;

      2015-01-12 - 2015-01-15.

    • Vu, Huyen; Eftestøl, Trygve; Engan, Kjersti; Eilevstjønn, Joar; Linde, Jørgen Erland; Ersdal, Hege


      Exploratory Analysis of Ventilation Signals from Resuscitation Data of Newborns.

      Biosignals, Biostec;

      2015-01-12 - 2015-01-15.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve Christian; Singsaas, Erlend; Engan, Kjersti; Woie, Leik; Ørn, Stein


      Automatic Detection of Microvascular Obstruction in Patients with Myocardial Infarction.

      Computing in Cardiology 2015;

      2015-09-06 - 2015-09-09.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve Christian


      Biomedical data analysis.

      Norway Pumps & Pipes;


    • Engan, Kjersti; Woie, Leik; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Defining Angular and Radial Positions and Parameters for Myocardial Pixels in Cardiac MR Images.

      Computing in Cardiology 2014;

      2014-09-07 - 2014-09-10.

    • Huyen, Vu; Eftestøl, Trygve; Engan, Kjersti; Eilevstjønn, Joar; Linde, Jørgen Erland; Ersdal, Hege


      Exploratory Analysis of Heart Rate Changes in Newborns to Investigate the Effectiveness of Bag-Mask Ventilation.

      Computing in Cardiology 2014;

      2014-09-07 - 2014-09-10.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Måløy, Frode; Engan, Kjersti; Kotu, Lasya Priya; Woie, Leik; Ørn, Stein


      A Texture-based Probability Mapping for Localisation of Clinically Important Cardiac Segments in the Myocardium in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images from Myocardial Infarction Patients.

      International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) ;

      2014-10-27 - 2014-10-30.

    • Rad, Ali Bahrami; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Ayala, Unai; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Engan, Kjersti


      Nearest-manifold classification approach for cardiac arrest rhythm interpretation during resuscitation.

      International COnference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) ;

      2014-05-04 - 2014-05-09.

    • Engan, Kjersti; Naranjo, Valery; Eftestøl, Trygve; Woie, Leik; Schuchter, Arthur; Ørn, Stein


      Automatic Detection of Heart Center in Late Gadolinium Enhanced MRI.

      MEDICON (Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing);

      2013-09-25 - 2013-09-28.

    • Engan, Kjersti; Naranjo, Valery; Eftestøl, Trygve; Ørn, Stein; Woie, Leik


      Automatic Segmentation of the Epicardium in Late Gadolinium Enhanced Cardiac MR Images.

      Computing in Cardiology;

      2013-09-22 - 2013-09-25.

    • Måløy, Frode; Woie, Leik; Eftestøl, Trygve; Engan, Kjersti; Ørn, Stein


      Measuring the Degree of Fibrosity of Myocardial Scars from Late Gadolinium- Enhanced Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Images.

      Computing in Cardiology;

      2013-09-22 - 2013-09-25.

    • Rad, Ali Bahrami; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Ayala, Unai; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Engan, Kjersti


      Probabilistic Classification Approaches for Cardiac Arrest Rhythm Interpretation during Resuscitation.

      Computing in Cardiology;

      2013-09-22 - 2013-09-25.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      Signal and image processing projects in the biomedical data analysis research group.

      Sogndalsstrand 2013;

      2013-11-25 - 2013-11-27.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      Chest compressions: The good, the bad and the ugly.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

      Volum 83.

      Hefte 2.


      DOI: 10.1016/j.resuscitation.2011.12.022

    • Kotu, Lasya Priya; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve; Woie, Leik; Ørn, Stein; Katsaggelos, Aggelos



      EUSIPCO 2012;

      2012-08-27 - 2012-08-31.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Woie, Leik; Engan, Kjersti; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Nilsen, Dennis W.T.; Ørn, Stein


      Texture Analysis to Assess Risk of Serious Arrhythmias after Myocardial Infarction.

      Computing in Cardiology 2012;

      2012-09-09 - 2012-09-12.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Nilsen, Dennis W.T.; Woie, Leik


      Analysis of Intracardiac Electrogram Changes.

      Computing in Cardiology 2012;

      2012-09-09 - 2012-09-12.

    • Ayala, U; Aramendi, Elisabete; Irusta, Unai; Alonso, E; gonzales-otero, digna; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Ingason, Andres


      Recommendations of the American Heart Association on the rhythm library specifications for the development of shock advice algorithms: Do they reflect the real scenario?.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

      Volum 83.


    • de Gauna, Sofia Ruiz; gonzales-otero, digna; Ruiz, Jesus; Ayala, U; Alonso, E; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kramer-Johansen, Jo


      Is rhythm analysis during chest compression pauses for ventilation feasible?.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

      Volum 83.


    • Oppedal, Ketil; Engan, Kjersti; Aarsland, Dag; Beyer, Mona Kristiansen; Tysnes, Ole-Bjørn; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Using local binary pattern to classify dementia in MRI.

      IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging ;

      2012-05-02 - 2012-05-05.

    • Nordseth, Trond; Edelson, Dana P.; Bergum, Daniel; Olasveengen, Theresa Mariero; Eftestøl, Trygve; Abella, Benjamin; Skogvoll, Eirik


      Optimal CPR Loop Duration for Asystole and Pulseless Electrical Activity During In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.


      ISSN 0009-7322.

      Volum 124.

      Hefte 21.

    • Kotu, Lasya Priya; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve; Ørn, Stein; Woie, Leik



      ICIP 2011;

      2011-09-11 - 2011-09-14.

    • Kotu, Lasya Priya; Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve; Ørn, Stein; Woie, Leik


      Segmentation of Scarred and Non-Scarred Myocardium in LG Enhanced CMR Images using Intensity-Based Textural Analysis.

      EMBC 2011;

      2011-08-30 - 2011-09-03.

    • Nordseth, Trond; Edelson, DP; Bergum, Daniel; Olasveengen, Theresa Mariero; Eftestøl, Trygve; Abella, Ben; Skogvoll, Eirik


      Optimal CPR Loop Duration for Asystole and PEA during In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.

      Resuscitation Science Symposium;

      2011-11-12 - 2011-11-13.

    • Nordseth, Trond; Edelson, DP; Bergum, Daniel; Olasveengen, Theresa Mariero; Eftestøl, Trygve; Abella, Ben; Skogvoll, Eirik


      Prevalence and Development of Clinical States during In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest.

      Resuscitation Science Symposium;

      2011-11-12 - 2011-11-13.

    • Engan, Kjersti; Eftestøl, Trygve; Ørn, Stein; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Woie, Leik


      Exploratory Data Analysis of Image Texture and Statistical Features on Myocardium and Infarction Areas in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Images.

      International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society;

      2010-08-31 - 2010-09-04.

    • Pampanin, D.M.; Ravagnan, E.; Apeland, S.; Aarab, N.; Godal, B.F.; Westerlund, S.; Hjermann, Dag Øystein; Eftestøl, Trygve; Budka, M.; Gabrys, B.; Viarengo, A.; Barsiene, J.


      The marine environment IQ concept Developing an index of the quality of the marine environment based on biomarkers: Integration of pollutant effects on marine organisms.

      Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A.

      ISSN 1095-6433.

      Volum 157.

      Hefte 1.


      DOI: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2010.06.148

    • Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Skogvoll, Eirik; Eftestøl, Trygve; Gundersen, Kenneth; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Olasveengen, Theresa Mariero; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Analysing clinical state transitions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.


      2010-08-29 - 2010-09-02.

    • Thorsen, Kari Anne Haaland; Eftestøl, Trygve; Rong, Chunming; Steen, Petter Andreas


      An Integrated Information Sharing Structure for Resuscitation Data.

      AINA (Advanced Information Networking and Applications) 2009;

      2009-05-26 - 2009-05-29.

    • Kjosmoen, Thomas; Ryen, Tom; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Exploring the combinatorics of motif alignments for accurately computing E-values from p-values.

      International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biotechnology;

      2009-04-28 - 2009-04-30.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      Controlling true positive rate in ROC analysis.

      Computers in Cardiology 2009;

      2009-09-13 - 2009-09-16.

    • Olasveengen, Theresa Mariero; Eftestøl, Trygve; Gundersen, Kenneth; Steen, Petter Andreas; Wik, Lars; Sunde, Kjetil


      Ventricular fibrillation characteristics are different in patients with coronary heart disease compared to patients with a primary arrhythmia.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

      Hefte 77.

    • Gundersen, Kenneth; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Olasveengen, Theresa Mariero; Eftestøl, Trygve


      The effect of using within-patient correlation to improve shock outcome prediction.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

      Hefte 77.

    • Gundersen, Kenneth; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Using ECG-analysis to quantify the effect of increasing pre-shock pauses in chest compressions on the probability of ROSC.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

      Hefte 77.

    • Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Skogvoll, Eirik; Eftestøl, Trygve; Gundersen, Kenneth; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Olasveengen, Theresa Mariero; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Identifying factors influencing clinical state transitions in cardiac arrest resuscitation.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

      Hefte 77.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      Signal processing and analysis of data from therapy of cardiac arrest patients.



    • Woie, L.; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kvaløy, Terje Jan; Aarsland, Torbjørn; Tjelta, K.; Nilsen, DWT


      Intracardiac electrocardiographic (EGM) morphology changes in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).


      ISSN 0009-7322.

      Hefte 12.

    • Gundersen, Kenneth; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Steen, Petter Andreas; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Using ECG-analysis to quantify the effect of increasing pre-shock pauses in chest compressions on the probability of ROSC.

      Ninth Congress of the European Resuscitation Council;

      2008-05-22 - 2008-05-24.

    • Gundersen, Kenneth; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Olasveengen, Theresa Mariero; Eilevstjønn, Joar; Eftestøl, Trygve


      The effect of using within-patient correlation to improve shock outcome prediction.

      Ninth Congress of the European Resuscitation Council;

      2008-05-22 - 2008-05-24.

    • Woie, L.; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Aarsland, Torbjørn; Tjelta, K.; Nilsen, DWT


      Intracardiac electrocardiographic (EGM) morphology changes in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).

      World Congress on Cardiology;

      2008-05-18 - 2008-05-21.

    • Johansen, Øystein; Ryen, Tom; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kjosmoen, Thomas; Ruoff, Peter


      Splice Site Prediction using Artificial Neural Networks.


      2008-10-03 - 2008-10-04.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      Signal processing and pattern recognition in resuscitation science.

      Symposium on ECG signal processing;

      2007-07-05 - 2007-07-06.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      A research experience in bioengineering in Norway.

      Symposium on ECG signal processing;

      2007-07-05 - 2007-07-06.

    • Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Eftestøl, Trygve; Gundersen, Kenneth; Skogvoll, Eirik; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Analysis of factors influencing clinical state transitions in cardiac arrest.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

      Hefte 69.

    • Skogvoll, Eirik; Eftestøl, Trygve; Gundersen, Kenneth; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Steen, Petter Andreas


      The dynamics of cardiac arrest - clinical state transitions during CPR.

      Resuscitation 2006;

      2006-05-10 - 2006-05-13.

    • Dragsund, Inge; Gundersen, Kenneth; Risdal, Martin; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Abella, Ben; edelson, dana; Sterz, Fritz; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Analysing the dynamics of pulseless electrical activity during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

      Computers in Cardiology 2006;

      2006-09-17 - 2006-09-20.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Ryen, Tom; Aase, Sven Ole; Strässle, Cassian; Boos, Marcus; Schuster, Guido M.; Ruoff, Peter


      Eukaryotic gene prediction by spectral analysis and pattern recognition techniques.

      The 7th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium - NORSIG 2006;

      2006-06-07 - 2006-06-09.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Skogvoll, Eirik; Gundersen, Kenneth; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Information structuring and symbolic representation for analysis of resuscitation data.

      The 7th Nordic Signal Processing Symposium- NORSIG 2006;

      2006-06-07 - 2006-06-09.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      Matematikk på liv og død?.

      Åpen fagdag 2006;


    • Risdal, Martin; Steen, Petter Andreas; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Wik, Lars; Sterz, Fritz; Losert, Heidrun; Aase, Sven Ole; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Discriminating between PEA and pulse circulating rhythm using ECG.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

    • Gundersen, Kenneth; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Eftestøl, Trygve; Steen, Petter Andreas; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Wik, Lars; Sterz, Fritz; Losert, Heidrun; Aase, Sven Ole


      Improved shock outcome prediction from a random model.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

    • Gundersen, Kenneth; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Eftestøl, Trygve; Steen, Petter Andreas; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Wik, Lars; Sterz, Fritz; Losert, Heidrun; Aase, Sven Ole


      Random effects in shock outcome prediction.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

    • Neurauter, Andreas; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Wenzel, Volker; Lindner, Karl; Eilevstjønn, Joar; Myklebust, Helge; Steen, Petter Andreas; Strohmenger, Hans Ulrich


      Prediction of countershock success employing single feature analysis from ventricular fibrillation power bands or feature combination using neural networks.


      ISSN 0300-9572.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      Waveform analysis - the way to improve survival?.

      Eigth Congress of the European Resuscitation Council;

      2006-05-10 - 2006-05-13.

    • Gundersen, Kenneth; Kvaløy, Jan Terje; Eftestøl, Trygve; Steen, Petter Andreas; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Wik, Lars; Sterz, Fritz; Losert, Heidrun; Aase, Sven Ole


      Random effects in shock outcome prediction.

      Resuscitation 2006;

      2006-05-10 - 2006-05-13.

    • Risdal, Martin; Losert, Heidrun; Sterz, Fritz; Aase, Sven Ole; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Using thoracic impedance for identification of return of spontaneous circulation during resuscitation.

      7th nordic signal processing symposium;

      2006-06-07 - 2006-06-09.

    • Risdal, Martin; Aase, Sven Ole; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Examining the Potential of Using Thorax Impedance Measured by Automated External Defibrillators for Quantification of Circulation.

      32nd annual international conference on Computers in Cardiology;

      2005-09-25 - 2005-09-28.

    • Risdal, Martin; Aase, Sven Ole; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Arbitrary feature space dimensionality reduction with focus on loss of discrimination for two-class problems.

      Norsk symposium i signalbehandling;

      2005-09-22 - 2005-09-24.

    • Risdal, Martin; Eftestøl, Trygve; Aase, Sven Ole; Steen, Petter Andreas; Sleveland, Tone; Wik, Lars; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Sterz, Fritz; Losert, Heidrun


      Improving rhythm classification using electrocardiogram and thorax impedance recorded by automated external defibrillators.

      Norsk symposium i signalbehandling;

      2005-09-22 - 2005-09-24.

    • Risdal, Martin; Losert, Heidrun; Nysæther, Jon; Aase, Sven Ole; Sterz, Fritz; Eftestøl, Trygve



      3rd Eurpean Medical & Biological Engineering Conference;

      2005-11-20 - 2005-11-25.

    • Risdal, Martin; Losert, Heidrun; Nysæther, Jon; Aase, Sven Ole; Sterz, Fritz; Eftestøl, Trygve



      3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference;

      2005-11-20 - 2005-11-25.

    • Risdal, Martin; Stavland, Mette; Aase, Sven Ole; Eftestøl, Trygve



      3rd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference;

      2005-11-20 - 2005-11-25.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      Signalbehandling og mønstergjenkjenning innen akuttmedisin.

      Industrisemninar 2005, Norsk forening for bildebehandling og mønstergjenkjenning;


    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Risdal, Martin; Eilevstjønn, Joar; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Advanced life support therapy on out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients: Applying signal processing and pattern recognition methods.

      MIC Journal: Modeling, Identification and Control.

      ISSN 0332-7353.

      Volum 26.

      Hefte 4.


    • Eilevstjønn, Joar; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Reducing the no flow time in automated external defibrillation.

      Seventh Congress of the European Resuscitation Council, ERC;

      2004-09-08 - 2004-09-11.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Wik, Lars; Sunde, Kjetil; Steen, Petter Andreas


      CPR causes changes in predictors of VF defibrillation success during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

      Seventh Congress of the European Resuscitation Council;

      2004-09-08 - 2004-09-11.

    • Watson, Jamie; Uchaipichat, Nopadol; Addison, Paul S; Clegg, Gareth R; Robertson, Colin; Eftestøl, Trygve; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Novel wavelet transform methods predict defibrillation success for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

      Seventh Congress of the European Resuscitation Council;

      2004-09-08 - 2004-09-11.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve


      Ingeniøren, kan de hjelpe oss? Engineers - can they help us?.

      Den 6. skandinaviske HLR-kongressen;

      2003-09-04 - 2003-09-06.

    • Eilevstjønn, Joar; Eftestøl, Trygve; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Reducing The Hands-Off Interval By Filtering CPR Artefacts In ECG.

      The 6th Scandinavian CPR-congress;

      2003-09-04 - 2003-09-06.

    • Eilevstjønn, Joar; Husøy, John Håkon; Eftestøl, Trygve; Aase, Sven Ole; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Multichannel adaptive filtering using an efficient matching pursuit-like algorithm for removal of CPR artifacts in ECG signals.

      2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2002);

      2002-05-13 - 2002-05-17.

    • Uchaipichat, Nopadol; Addison, Paul S; Watson, Jamie; Clegg, Gareth R; Robertson, Colin; Steen, Petter Andreas; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Wavelet Power Spectrum Analysis of Cardiac Arrhythmias: Ventricular Fibrillation.

      The Engineering Institute of Thailand 24th Electrical Engineering Conference;

      2002-11-22 - 2002-11-23.

    • Addison, Paul S; Uchaipichat, Nopadol; Watson, Jamie; Clegg, Gareth R; Robertson, Colin; Steen, Petter Andreas; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Positional Depedence of Time-Frequency Information in the Electrocardiograph used for the Prediction of Successful Defibrillation.

      2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference;

      2002-12-04 - 2002-12-08.

    • Uchaipichat, Nopadol; Watson, Jamie; Addison, Paul S; Clegg, Gareth R; Robertson, Colin; Steen, Petter Andreas; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Optimal pre-shock signal length for time-frequency classification used in the predicition of successful defibrillation.

      The International Congress on Biological and Medical Engineering 2002;

      2002-12-04 - 2002-12-07.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Sunde, Kjetil; Steen, Petter Andreas


      The effects of interrupting precordial compressions on the calculated probability of defibrillation success in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients.

      European Resuscitation Council Scientific Congress;

      2002-10-02 - 2002-10-05.

    • Sunde, Kjetil; Eftestøl, Trygve; Askenberg, Christian; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Kvalitetsvurdering av avansert hjerte-lunge-redning i ambulansetjenesten i Oslo ved analysering av defibrillatorens datamodul.


    • Sunde, Kjetil; Eftestøl, Trygve; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Prehospital hjertestans - resultater etter to års Utstein-registrering ved ambulansetjenesten i Oslo.


    • Addison, Paul S; Uchaipichat, Nopadol; Watson, Jamie; Clegg, Gareth R; Robertson, Colin; Steen, Petter Andreas; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Wavelet power spectrum-based prediction of successful defibrillation from ventricular fibrillation.

      Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2001. The 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE , 2001;

      2001-10-25 - 2001-10-28.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Aase, Sven Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      Spectral characterization of ECG in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients.

      Computers in Cardiology 1999;

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Aase, Sven Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      A method for detection of signal harmonics in the spectrum.

      Computers in Cardiology 1999;

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Sunde, Kjetil; Aase, Sven Ole; Husøy, John Håkon; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Predicting defibrillation outcome from VF-characteristics in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

      Fifth congress of the European Resuscitation Council, ERC;

    • Sunde, Kjetil; Eftestøl, Trygve; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Survival rate depends on place of collapse in patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Oslo.

      Fifth congress of the European Resuscitation Council, ERC;

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Sunde, Kjetil; Aase, Sven Ole; Husøy, John Håkon; Steen, Petter Andreas


      Monitoring the "probability of successful defibrillation" during CPR in out-of-hospital cardiac arrested patients.

      Scientific sessions 2000;

    • Aase, Sven Ole; Husøy, John Håkon; Eftestøl, Trygve


      Optimum CPR artefact removal in human ECG signals.

      Proc.Biosignal 2000;

      2000-06-26 - 2000-06-28.

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Aase, Sven Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      Characterisation og changes in cardiac arrhythmias using spectral parameters.

      NORSIG '97;

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Aase, Sven Ole; Husøy, John Håkon


      Spectral flatness measure for characterising changes in cardiac arrhythmias.

      NOBIM konferansen 1998;

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Aase, Sven Ole; Husøy, John Håkon; Chang, H. K.; Zhang, Y. T.


      A flexible pattern recognition system for analysis of ECG and related demographics and annotations.

      20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society;

    • Eftestøl, Trygve; Øien, G.E.


      ECG rhythm classification using artificial neural networks.

      IEEE DSP Workshop;

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