Kristin Akerjordet


Kristin Akerjordet


Telephone: 51834109


Room: KA A-130


Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Quality and Health Technology

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Pawlica, Anja Christoffersen; Øye, Christine; Petersen, Karin Anna


      Private hjem som utstillingsvindu og tildekket miskjent tvang? Om re-oppdragelse av psykisk lidende og påføring av samfunnets orden.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 978-82-7644-771-2.

      Hefte 394.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      An Inquiry Concerning Emotional Intelligence and Its Empirical Significance.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

      ISBN 9788276443646.

      Volum 2009.

      Hefte 61.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Øvrebø, Randi; Raaheim, Vidar


      Årsrapport for prosjektposten 3A, Sentralsykehuset i Rogaland for studieåret 2002/2004.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

  • Formidling
    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie; Lungu, Daniel Adrian; Wiig, Siri


      Leadership challenges in nursing and midwifery – Support4 resilence.



    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie; Lungu, Daniel Adrian; Wiig, Siri


      Leadership challenges in nursing and midwifery - Support4resilience across European countries.



    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Lungu, Daniel Adrian; Glette, Malin Knutsen; Wiig, Siri


      Support4 Resilience (S4R): Strenthening resilience and mental wellbeing through the Support4Resilience toolbox for leaders in elderly care..

      Innovative Small and Medium Sized Cities - 4th edition;

      2024-05-22 - 2024-05-23.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Lungu, Daniel Adrian; Glette, Malin Knutsen; Wiig, Siri


      Support4Resilience: Strenthening resilience through the Support4Resilience toolbox for leaders in elderly care..

      Resilient Healtcare Society;

      2024-06-09 - 2024-06-13.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Haver, Annie; Caputi, Peter; Wiig, Siri


      Leadership challenges in nursing and midwifery - Support4Resilience.

      Research seminar and collaboration;

      2024-02-24 - 2024-03-01.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Haver, Annie; Caputi, Peter; Wiig, Siri


      Future leadership challenges in nursing and midwifery - Support4Resilience.

      Research seminar and collaboration;

      2024-02-24 - 2024-03-01.

    • Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Akerjordet, Kristin


      How digital educational resources can support learning and supervision in clinical education.

      Clinical Placements with Older People Expert Advisory Committee;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Haver, Annie; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Caputi, Peter; Wiig, Siri


      Reaching Toward Resilient Leadership.

      Resilient Health Care Society;

      2023-05-22 - 2023-05-25.

    • Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Akerjordet, Kristin; Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Aase, Ingunn


      Co-creating digital educational resources to enhance quality in student nurses' clinical education in nursing homes: Report of a co-creative process.

      Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;

      2023-10-02 - 2023-10-04.

    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


      Enhancing mentorship practices in nursing homes using a digital educational resource.

      Nordic Conference in Nursing Research;


    • Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Hvordan kan vi bidra til å styrke kvalitet i praksisstudier ved HV?.

      Møte med fakultetsledelse;


    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in clinical studies (QualinClinStud).

      Informasjonsmøte for sykehjem;


    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in clinical studies (QualinClinStud).

      Informasjonsmøte for sykehjem;


    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin; Aase, Ingunn


      Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in clinical studies (QualinClinStud).

      Informasjonsmøte for sykehjem;


    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in clinical studies (QualinClinStud).

      Informasjonsmøte for sykehjem;


    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in clinical studies (QualinClinStud).

      Informasjonsmøte for sykehjem;


    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in clinical studies (QualinClinStud).

      Informasjonsmøte for sykehjem;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Aase, Ingunn


      Design forskningsprosjektet Kvalitet i praksisstudier i sykehjem.

      Formelt møte;


    • Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Design forskningsprosjekt Kvalitet i praksisstudier i sykehjem.

      Formelt møte;


    • Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Design forskningsprosjektet Kvalitet i praksisstudier i sykehjem for første års sykepleierstudenter.

      Formelt møte;


    • Espegren Dalsmo, Ingrid; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Forskningsprosjektet QUALinCLINstud - Rekruttering av sykepleierstudenter til utprøvingen av web-løsningen digiQUALinPRAX.

      Formelt møte;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Aase, Ingunn


      Teste ut og evaluere den digitale utdanningsressursen digiQUALinPRAX - en pilot undersøkelse.

      SHARE Fagmøte;


    • Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Design forskningsprosjekt Kvalitet i praksisstudier i sykehjem.

      Infromasjonsmøte sykehjem;


    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Akerjordet, Kristin; Kihlgren, Annica; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


      Exploring mentorship practices in clinical education in nursing homes.

      Rapid 5 Presentation;

      2022-10-19 - 2022-10-22.

    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin; Aase, Ingunn; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Andersen, Linda Lundgaard; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


      Co-creation in Higher Education with registered nurse mentors from nursing homes.

      Mini oral with poster presentation;

      2022-10-19 - 2022-10-22.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Aase, Ingunn; Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


      Assessment of first year student nurses clinical studies in nursing homes - reporting from an observational study’ .

      8th. International Nurse Education Conference - From Education to Impact: Transforming nursing and midwifery education;

      2022-10-19 - 2022-10-23.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Aase, Ingunn; Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


      Improving quality in clinical placement studies in nursing (QUALinCLINstud).

      Søvn og Sikkerhet i Helsetjenesten med fokus på potensielt samarbeid;


    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in clinical studies (QualinClinStud).

      Internasjonalt nettverksmøte;


    • Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Gonzalez, Marianne Thorsen; kirsti-Iren, skovdahl; Slettebø, Åshild


      Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of nursing students in clinical studies (QUALinCLINstud) .

      8th International Nurse Education Conference;

      2020-04-26 - 2020-04-29.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


      Kvalitet i kliniske studier.

      Besøk av Helsedirektoratet ;


    • Aase, Ingunn; Akerjordet, Kristin; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


      Assessment of first-year student nurses clinical studies in nursing homes - reporting from an observational study .

      8th International Nurse Education Conference;

      2020-04-26 - 2020-04-29.

    • Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Hvordan øke kvalitet og effektivitet i veiledning og vurdering i kliniske studier?.

      Konferanse ;

      2019-03-12 - 2019-03-13.

    • Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Brekklund, Jannicke; Tran, Son Thanh; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Aase, Ingunn; Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Gonzalez, Marianne Thorsen; Skovdahl, Kirsti-Iren; Slettebø, Åshild; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Gjør sykehjemmene attraktive!.

      Stavanger Aftenblad.

      ISSN 0804-8991.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Furunes, Trude; Haver, Annie


      An integrative Review of health-promoting leadership.

      EAWOP: Working for the greater good. Inspiring people, designing jobs and leading organizations;

      2019-05-29 - 2019-06-01.

    • Haver, Annie; Akerjordet, Kristin; Caputi, Peter


      Mental Well-Being As a Moderator Of The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Reappraisal Amongst Leaders in the Hospitality Industry .

      EAWOP, 2019;

      2019-05-25 - 2019-06-01.

    • Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Aase, Ingunn; Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Aiming for quality in nursing home care: rethinking clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in clincal studies (QUALinCLINstud): Status & Progress.

      Advisory Board Meeting ;

      2019-11-14 - 2019-11-15.

    • Haver, Annie; Akerjordet, Kristin


      "Mental well-being among hotel managers: A study of the influence of healthy emotion regulation strategies and organizations core values' .

      the 28th Nordic Symposium on Hospitality and Tourism Research entitled:;

      2019-10-23 - 2019-10-25.

    • Haver, Annie; Akerjordet, Kristin; Caputi, Peter; Robinson, Laura


      Conceptualising and measuring wellbeing in the workplace. A systematic review..

      ICAP, 2018;

      2018-06-25 - 2018-06-30.

    • Haver, Annie; Olsen, Espen; Akerjordet, Kristin


      A Study On The Influence Of Job Stressors and Cognitive Reappraisal among Hotel Managers.

      27th, Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality;

      2018-09-24 - 2018-09-28.

    • Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Våga, Bodil Bø; Rosenberg, Adriana; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Mixed Method reviews in exploring Learning environments in nursing education.

      Nordic Conference of Nursing Research;

      2018-06-14 - 2018-06-15.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit


      Erfaringer med samarbeid om Norsk Forskningsrådssøknader (NFR) med andre høyskoler/universitet.



    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Hagland, Hanne Røland; Aas, Randi Wågø; Viksveen, Petter; Oftedal, Bjørg Frøysland; Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Wiig, Siri


      How to Educate Young People to work With Public Health and Better Aging.

      Nordic Edge Expo;


    • Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Akerjordet, Kristin


      QUALinCLINstud: Kvalitet i kliniske studier: Utvikle og teste innovative læringsverktøy i veiledning og vurdering av sykepleiestudenter.

      Presentasjon av forskningsprosjekt ;


    • Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Storm, Marianne; Våga, Bodil Bø; Rosenberg, Adriana; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Student learning environments in nursing homes.

      International conference 2017;


    • Haver, Annie; Furunes, Trude; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Healthy or unhealthy? Emotion regulation strategies in response to job stressors.

      EAWOP 2017;

      2017-05-15 - 2017-05-19.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Haver, Annie


      Integrative review methodology.

      Forskningsseminar ;


    • Haver, Annie; Akerjordet, Kristin; Furunes, Trude


      Symposium: Emotions and Work. Title: Leaders’ Use of Naturally Felt Emotions: The Role of Organizational Requirements and Individual Differences.

      Organizational requirements and leaders’ choice of emotion regulation strategies. Conference: “Respectful and effective leadership – managing pThe 17th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP2015);

      2015-05-19 - 2015-05-23.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Meta reflection: application for promotion to Professor and didactic teaching..

      Seminar ;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Authentic leadership in a caring science perspective..

      Forskningsseminar ;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Qualification to professorship..

      "Woman Leaders seminar";


    • Haver, Annie; Akerjordet, Kristin; Furunes, Trude


      Symposium: Methodology. Title: Integrative review methodology.

      Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research, Iceland ;

      2015-10-01 - 2015-10-04.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Professional supervision with focus on didactic teaching and sustainable leadership.

      Seminar ;


    • Furunes, Trude; Akerjordet, Kristin



    • Furunes, Trude; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Skal forske på nordmenns håp og drømmer.

    • Furunes, Trude; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Om Hope Barometer på Aktuelt.

    • Haver, Annie; Akerjordet, Kristin; Furunes, Trude


      Emotion regulation related to leadership: State of the art and future research agenda.

      16th EAWOP Congress 2013. Imagine the future world: How do we want to work tomorrow?;

      2013-05-22 - 2013-05-25.

    • Haver, Annie; Akerjordet, Kristin; Furunes, Trude


      How experienced hotel leaders deploy emotion regulation strategies.

      ISRE 2013;

      2013-08-03 - 2013-08-05.

    • Haver, Annie; Akerjordet, Kristin; Furunes, Trude


      How hotel leaders succeed: A study of emotion regulation strategies.

      The 22 nd Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality Research. " Innovation and value creation in experience-based tourism";

      2013-09-24 - 2013-09-27.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotional support helps depressed new mothers.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotions should be taken seriously.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotions should be taken seriously.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotions should be taken seriously.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Trained health workers can prevent baby blues.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotional understanding may prevent depression among new mothers.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Trained health workers can prevent baby blues.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Trained health care workers can prevent baby blues.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      How to reduce depression rates in hospital patients.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Trained health workers can prevent baby blues.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Trained health workers can beat baby blues.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotions should be taken seriously.


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Innføring til Vitenskapelig Arbeid bachelor.

      Universitetet i Stavanger.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emosjonell intelligens og dets betydning relatert til fødselsdepresjon - presentasjon av forskningsfunn.

      Fagdag for Barne og Kvinneklinikken ved Stavanger Universitetssjukehus;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emosjonell intelligens relatert til fødselsdepresjon - Presentasjon av forskningsfunn.

      Fagdag Barne og Kvinneklinikken;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Et lite spørsmål kan hindre fødselsdepresjon.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Omtanke kan hindre fødsesdepresjon.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Følelser må tas mer alvorlig i helsevesenet.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Følelser mot fødselsdepresjon.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Severinsson, Elisabeth


      Factors influencing low & high self-esteem associated with postnatal depression.

      The 3rd Internation Congress of Women's Mental Health;

      2008-03-17 - 2008-03-20.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Severinsson, Elisabeth


      Mental health factors related to Emotional intelligence during pregnancy & postnatal.

      The 3rd International Congress of Women's Mental Health;

      2008-03-17 - 2008-03-20.

    • Severinsson, Elisabeth; Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotionally intelligent leadership in maternity care.

      The 3rd International Congress of Women's Mental Health;

      2008-03-17 - 2008-03-20.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Severinsson, Elisabeth


      Postnatal women's depression & the health effects of seafood consumption.

      The 3rd International Congress of Women's Mental Health;

      2008-03-17 - 2008-03-20.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin; Severinsson, Elisabeth


      Design and analysis of mixed methods.

      International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being.

      ISSN 1748-2623.

      Hefte 3.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotional Intelligence in relation to mental health problems associated with childbirth.

      The relationship between postpartum depression, breastfeeding, DHA and seafood consumptions;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotional Intelligence - Women's Mental Health Problems associated With Childbirth.

      The Relationship Between Postpartum Depression, Breastfeeding, DHA and seafood Consumptions;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emosjonell intelligens og mental helse i forbindelse med barnefødsler.

      Forskningsseminar i samarbeid med høgskolen i vestfold;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Kvinners mentale helse.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Stort forskningsprosjekt om UiS om: Kvinner mentale helse.

    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotional Intelligence and Postpartum Depression - A New Way of Thinking?.

      The Perinatal Society of Australia and New Zealand Queensland Branch;


    • Akerjordet, Kristin


      Emotional Intelligence and Postpartum Depression - What are the links?.

      Seminar at the Faculty of Nursing;


  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
    • Laugaland, Kristin Alstveit; Aase, Ingunn; Ravik, Monika; Gonzalez, Marianne; Frøiland, Christina Tølbøl; Ingrid, espegren dalsmo; Ekra, Else Mari Ruberg; Akerjordet, Kristin



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