Neel Kanwal


Neel Kanwal


Telephone: 51831420 / 48683831


Room: KE E-401


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

About me

Neel Kanwal is doing a Ph.D. in Science and Technology. He has done his Master of Science in Computer Networks Engineering from Politecnico di Torino in 2020. He received his B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering in 2015. He is a Marie-Curie early-stage researcher working under CLARIFY Project (EU Horizon 2020 Project).

CLARIFY’s main goal is to develop a robust automated digital diagnostic environment based on artificial intelligence and cloud-oriented data algorithms that facilitates whole-slide-image (WSI) interpretation and diagnosis everywhere with the aim of maximising the benefits of digital pathology and aiding pathologists in their daily work. 

His research interests are in AI algorithms particularly with Computer Vision for gigapixel Images. He is working in digital pathology with existing variability in cancer diagnosis for Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), High-risk non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (HR-NMIBC) and Spitzoid melanocytic lesions (SML).
