Camilla Ann-Louise Koskinen


Camilla Ann-Louise Koskinen


Telephone: 51831149 / +358503750325


Room: KA A-115


Faculty of Health Sciences

Department of Caring and Ethics

About me

My research profile, scientific thinking, and basic pedagogical views have their origin in Caring Science, hermeneutics, and qualitative research methods. Research and theory development include topics such as Ethics, Caring, Suffering, and Health. The research focuses on human life, patients, health care personnel and various health care contexts, self-caring, and health promotion. Research is also conducted concerning healthcare educators’ competencies, students’ learning and acquisition, and digitalization/VR technology as an educational method for learning ethical caring.

The research areas are; Caring Science - theory formation and clarification of central concepts and theoretical frameworks, Research on ethical competence from a multi-professional perspective in clinical practice to develop ethical caring and sustainable health care practices, Research on the phenomena of life suffering and the tension between life suffering and zest for life in the event of major life changes, Research on educators’ competence, students’ learning and acquisition, and digitalization in health education, and Application research and the interweaving of caring science theory and clinical practice.


Member of the research groups:

Creative ExperienceLab (Kreativ ErfaringsLab) 

Ethical Solutions in Digital Healthcare (E-DigiCare)


Current Research projects: 

Involvement and caring for young people as relatives of cancer patients. 2024-

Technological innovations for ethical education. 2022-

Ph.D. project, Becoming a Caring Nurse (T.A. Jaastad)


Responsibility for the courses: Master program: MHV110 Methodology and research design/10 ECTS and Ph.D. program: DHV320-1 Theoretical and conceptual framework founded in caring sciences/10 ECTS. Subject lecturer in MHV111 Research methods/qualitative methods. 
