Nico Miskow Friborg

PhD Candidate

Nico Miskow Friborg




Faculty of Social Sciences

About me


Queer- og transaktivisme, -organisering og bevægelsesopbygning, Queer-, trans- og nonbinære subjektiviteter, Transspecifik sundhed, Social retfærdighedskampe, sociale bevægelser og politisk aktivisme, NGO'er og det Nonprofit Industrielle Kompleks, Trans- og homonationalisme, Nordisk kolonialitet.

Transstudier, Queerantropologi, Feministisk teori, Queerstudier, Dekoloniale, queerfeministiske og antiracistiske pædagogikker og epistemologier.

Community-baseret forskning, kollaborativ etnografi og autoetnografi.

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      ILGA-Europe’s annual review of the human rights situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people in Denmark covering the period between January and December 2021. .

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Annual review of the human rights situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex people in Europe and Central Asia 2022.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Co-writer on the Denmark chapter in 'ILGA-Europe’s Annual Review of the Human Rights Situation of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex People covering events that occurred in Europe and Central Asia between January-December 2020'.

  • Formidling
    • Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge; Friborg, Nico Miskow; Acharya, Maya; Mohageb, Lina


      Abolition as a disruptive, generative and hopeful way of organsing and world-building. .

      g22 ;

      2022-10-26 - 2022-10-28.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Trans rage and refusals in/of trans legal projects.

      Affective Histories of Queer and Trans Activism;

      2022-05-05 - 2022-05-06.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Trans rage and refusals in/of trans legal struggles.

      Trans Research Residency;

      2022-06-13 - 2022-06-19.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Making Spaces for and Discussing Trans Activism, Culture and Studies in the Nordic Context.

      Panel at the NORA conference 2022 - Tensions and potentials in Nordic feminist and gender research;

      2022-06-20 - 2022-06-22.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Trans for trans organising and the cultivation of trans knowledge and/as care in Denmark 1966-2022.

      InterGen: Interdisciplinary network for gender research in the Humanities at UCPH;

      2022-11-09 - .

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow; hartline, france rose; Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge; Branlat, Jennifer; Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland


      Teaching and (un)learning in Gender Studies.

      Kjønnsforskning NÅ!;

      2021-05-27 - 2021-05-28.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow; Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge


      A zine on surviving and dismantling the Academic Industrial Complex - a work in progress.

      Teaching Anthropology (TA).

      ISSN 2053-9843.

      Volum 10.

      Hefte 4.

      DOI: 10.22582/ta.v10i4

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Transbarnet som politisk figur og kritiske børnemagtanalyser af paternalisering og passivisering af trans børn og unge.

      FLOS vidensalon - Uafgjorte kønsidentiteter blandt børn og unge - velfærdsprofessionelle muligheder og udfordringer;

      2021-05-11 - .

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      30 years of queer and trans organising and coalition-building outside, on the margins of and against the Danish state and Nonprofit Industrial Complex.

      Midway seminar;

      2021-12-07 - .

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Contesting pathologization and (re)configuring transness: Collective organizing to improve access to trans-specific healthcare in Denmark.

      Transforming Identities Workshop;

      2020-10-28 - 2020-10-30.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Trans activism.

      8th of March warm-up;


    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Høringssvar til Helsedirektoratets 'Kjønnsinkongruens. Nasjonal faglig retningslinje'.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Transaktivister er også en del af kønsforskningen.

      Kilden kjønnsforskning.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Høringssvar til “Udkast til Forslag til Lov om ændring af lov om ligestilling af kvinder og mænd, lov om forbud mod forskelsbehandling på arbejdsmarkedet m.v., straffeloven og forskellige andre love.”.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Trans activism across generations.

      Copenhagen Pride;


    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      TransAktion - The situation in Denmark & Hungary.

      Facial team's LIVESTREAM WEEKLY LILIA;


    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      TransAktion’s observations on the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trans communities in Denmark. By invitation from the UN Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Invited to represent Denmark at: Online Seminar on Trans & Intersex Rights: Building bridges between equality bodies and trans and intersex activists.

      Online Seminar on Trans & Intersex Rights: Building bridges between equality bodies and trans and intersex activists;

      2020-12-15 - 2020-12-17.

    • Diallo, Oda-Kange Midtvåge; Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Dismantling anthropological norms, while tackling privilege and discomfort in a predominantly white, cisgender classroom.

      EASA 16th EASA Biennial Conference;

      2020-07-22 - 2020-07-24.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      (Un)Learning within activism and collaborative fieldwork.

      Trans and Intersex (in) Education - The 7th Nordic Transgender Studies network symposium;

      2019-11-14 - 2019-11-15.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      In/against Pride?.

      Participation in the round table discussion/panel: Trans in/exclusion at Pride at 'Trans Realities - the 6th Nordic Transgender Studies Network Conference';

      2019-09-11 - 2019-09-13.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Confronting fantasies of Scandinavian progressiveness and queer utopia. Activism by and for queer women, femmes and trans people in Denmark since 1990.

      The 6th Nordic Transgender Studies Network Conference;

      2019-09-11 - 2019-09-13.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Inputs to improve trans people's rights, situation and wellbeing .

      Invited by the European Commission to be a commentator at the 'High-level conference on advancing LGBTI equality in the EU: from 2020 and beyond';

      2019-09-23 - 2019-09-24.

    • Friborg, Nico Miskow


      Trans Rights: Fighting the System.

      MIX CPH panel discussion 'Trans Rights: Fighting the System';


  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
  • Kommersialisering
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