Tegg Westbrook

Associate Professor

Tegg Westbrook


Telephone: 51831622

Email: tegg.westbrook@uis.no

Room: KE C-335


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Safety, Economics and Planning

About me

I am Associate Professor at the Department of Safety, Economics, and Planning at the Faculty of Science and Technology. I have a Bachelor of Science in Human Geography, a Master of Arts in International Relations, and a PhD in Globalisation Studies. I am study programme coordinator for City and Regional Planning, including both the bachelor (Byggingeniør) and master programmes.


I am a technologist interested in the social and political consequences resulting from the end-use of security and safety technologies at various scales, from residential, urban spaces, and with relevance to world affairs. I engage with issues of city resilience from a security perspective, particularly on the topics of crime prevention and societal safety. My recent publications have engaged with issues of radio interference devices, the criminal motivations for using them, and who are most affected. I have also published papers on the topics of proportionality in urban planning and the use of artificial intelligence in the detection of, and deterrence for those experiencing, COVID-19 symptoms.

I am currently dedicating research into the coercive effects of geospatial services through the nexus of "hostile architectures," considering the implications of coercive digital planning, focussing on for example anti-loitering measures, crime detractors, and mandatory parking and speed restrictions.

I am also dedicating research into the phenomon of technology-facilitated abuse (technology use to intimidate, coerce, control, and harass), with emphasis on intimate partner relationships in smart homes. I work with charities and academics from many disciplines on this issue.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch for collaboration, supervision, and networking.

Projects Participating in

RESICITIES - Building resilience through education for Sustainable, Collaborative and Smart Cities

Urban and community sustainability in planning and architecture (UCSPA)

Building bilateral research network towards resilient, smart and sustainable cities and regions

RISKSEC2.0 Local climate change adaptation: from risk governance to securitisation strategies?

Academic Development through bilateral peer-learning activities on mission-oriented innovation for Climate Neutral and Smart Cities

Trolltunga Bilateral Fund in the field of Higher Education Institutions

Teaching, Leadership and Coordination

Introduction to Urban Planning and Societal Safety (BYS110 - coordinator)

Bacheloroppgave i byplanlegging og samfunsikkerhet (BYSBAC - coordinator)

Praksis (BYS300) - coordinator)

Resilient Cities (BYG640 - lecturer, previously coordinator)

Risk, safety, economics, and planning for Smart Cities (Erasmus+, in collaboration with Czech Technical University in Prague - joint coordinator)

Terrorism and security (RIS535 - lecturer)

Digital insecurity (RIS535 - lecturer)

New Technologies and Ideas for Sustainable City Development (BYG655 - Lecturer)

Digital Societies for Sustainable Energy Transitions (MEE128 - lecturer)

Digital Society and Societal Transformations (M-DIG - lecturer)

Masteroppgave byplanlegging (BYGBAC - supervision)

I was study programme leader for the bachelor programme "Urban Planning and Societal Safety" (Byplanlegging og samfunnssikkerhet) between 2021-2023.

I am now (2023-) study programme leader for the bachelor and master programme in City and Regional Planning (Byplanlegging).

Other relevant experiences

Between 2019 and 2020, I was Visiting Scholar at the University of St. Andrews, Center for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV). I worked with scholars at the Center on the subject of non-state actor motivations and capabilities in the electromagnetic domain.

For two years during my PhD I worked mostly on a voluntary capacity for Omega Research Foundation who are dedicated to providing rigorous, objective, evidence-based research on the manufacture, trade in, and use of, military, security and police technologies.


  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Westbrook, Tegg


      What were the socio-economic, political, and institutional factors influencing the construction of the ATT?.

  • Formidling
    • Westbrook, Tegg


      The Geopolitics of Satellite Navigation.

      Maritime workshop on Ocean Governance;

      2024-01-24 - 2024-01-26.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Urban Planning for a more Sustainable Future.

      Career day;


    • Seibt, Sébastian; Westbrook, Tegg


      La Russie accusée de brouiller les cartes et le GPS en mer Baltique.

    • Seibt, Sébastian; Westbrook, Tegg


      Russia accused of meddling in the GPS systems of Baltic Sea countries.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Russia Accused of GPS Jamming in the Baltic Sea Region.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      The All-seeing 'Eye of Providence': Satellites constellations as regimes and as instruments of control..

      Colonial Capitalism in the North Sea ;

      2023-05-31 - .

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Greece in a Multipolar World.

      World Affairs;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      The Devastating Loss of World Heritage.

      World Affairs;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Sustainable and Resilient Italian Cities.

      World Affairs;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Costa Rica and Pacifism.

      World Affairs;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Sustainable Urban Development in Mexico.

      World Affairs;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Smart Security in Los Angeles.

      World Affairs;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Assisted Living in Smart Homes.



    • Westbrook, Tegg


      The Opportunities for High-Endurance Drones for Risk Management and Emergency Response.

      Building bilateral research network towards resilient, smart and sustainable cities and regions;

      2022-06-02 - 2022-06-03.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Wireless Infrastructures and Technologies to Enable Identification and Notification Purposes Appliciable to a Variety of Thematic Areas, Especially Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.

      Building bilateral research network towards resilient, smart and sustainable cities and regions;

      2022-06-09 - 2022-06-10.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      The Scales and Complexities of Technology-Enabled Abuse: Towards a theory of 'abuse in depth’.

      Beyond Smart Cities Today: Power, Justice and Resistance;

      2022-06-15 - 2022-06-17.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Resicities: Building Resilience through Education for Sustainable, Collaborative and Smart Cities.

      Reception for Erasmus students;

      2022-03-14 - 2022-03-15.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Tech-abuse and smart home security.

      Erasmus Staff Mobility for Training (STT);

      2022-03-28 - 2022-03-29.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Artificial Intelligence and Security "Theatre": The false promises of thermal screening during the Covid-19 crisis.

      Nordic Edge/UiS Research Symposium on Smart Cities;


    • Westbrook, Tegg; Quan, Xiangyu


      Open Innovation and Rapid Entrepreneurialism during Crises: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

      Nordic Edge/UiS Research Symposium on Smart Cities;


    • Westbrook, Tegg; Tiril, Thomas Blom


      Resilient Cities .

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      What is Proportional Security? Changing perceptions over the last decade.

      Sikringskonferansen 2021;

      2021-10-26 - 2021-10-27.

    • Røstvik, Harald Nils; Westbrook, Tegg


      Arkitektur og skyggeboksing. "Sikkerhet" er et argument for et nytt, dyrt regjeringskvartal. Hva legger man i det ?.


      ISSN 1503-2892.

    • Westbrook, Tegg; Røstvik, Harald Nils


      Y-blokka: Hva har vi lært?.


      ISSN 0004-1998.

    • Røstvik, Harald Nils; Westbrook, Tegg


      The Corona Pandemic 2020. What we have learnt and future predictions..

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      GPS Spoofing and the threat to transport networks.

      CIAM Safety and Risk Hub;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Horizon 2020 Presentation: Technologies and Digitisation Risk in Smart Cities.

      CIAM Safety and Risk Hub;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Forebygging av voldelig ekstremisme og sikring av offentlige rom: Har aktørene den kunnskapen de trenger?.

      Samfunnssikkerhetskonferansen 2021;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Brexit and arms sales to the Philippines : a reactive approach to human rights.

      e-International relations.

      ISSN 2053-8626.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Smart Security in Cities: Geofencing and Counterterrorism.

      Socio-Technical Challenges in a Smart World;

      2018-09-24 - 2018-09-26.

    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Multidisciplinary approaches to counterterrorism in urban areas: opportunities and limitations.

      Sikring i Sentrum;


    • Westbrook, Tegg


      Using Urban Design to Mitigate Threats Imposed by Violent Extremists: Our Work in Manchester and Stavanger.

      Safe and Sustainable University Campus;


  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
  • Kommersialisering
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