Frederic Emmanuel Bouder


Frederic Emmanuel Bouder


Telephone: 51831806



Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Safety, Economics and Planning

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Principles and challenges of risk communication/crisis communication, specifically addressing issues relating to pandemic. Underlagsrapport till SOU 2022:10 Sverige under pandemin.

      ISBN 978-91-525-0334-8.

  • Formidling
    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Applying Uncertainty vs. Risk.

      Brussels Future of Risk Analysis meeting;

      2024-03-12 - 2024-03-13.

    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Titanium dioxide and risk analysis: Lessons for regulatory science.

      Copenhagen Centre for Regulatory Science (CORS) Annual Conference ;

      2023-11-24 - .

    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      EMA/EFSA - Titanium Dioxide Case Study.

      Future of Risk Analysis, George Washington University, Milken Institute School of Public Health;

      2023-12-09 - .

    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Uncertainty in relation to risk: How can the risk field and policymakers' views be aligned?.

      Society of Risk Analysis annual meeting;

      2023-12-10 - 2023-12-13.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Uncertainty and the Energy transition .

      RUC 2023 Risk and Uncertainty Conference ;

      2023-06-07 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Does risk analysis have a future in Europe? (2).

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe;

      2023-06-20 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Uncertainty and the Energy transition: more science needed .

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe;

      2023-06-20 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Pandemic response: managing systemic risks in the post-Covid19 environment .

      Society for Risk Analysis Iberian Chapter ;

      2023-04-13 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Munir, Wajahat


      Risk seeking attitudes towards Covid19 Vaccination and the role of HCPS (Health Care Professionals) in Pakistan.


      2023-09-07 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Perception and cognitive aspects of raising awareness .

      ESWI ;

      2023-09-19 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk and Precaution in clinical trials .

      Festival of Biologics ;

      2023-10-11 - .

    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      The World of AI Algorithms: Challenges for Uncertainty Communication.

      The 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference;

      2022-08-28 - .

    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Challenges within the understanding of uncertainty: Policymakers' and risk field perspective.

      SRA Europe;

      2022-06-12 - 2022-06-15.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      The PAN-FIGHT project: from perception to behaviour, an overview.

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe ;

      2022-06-14 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Does risk analysis have a future in Europe?.

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe ;

      2022-06-13 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Acceptable risk in the context of uncertainty.

      When the science is uncertain, what is the role of risk-based approaches and precautionary control in chemicals policy?;

      2022-06-09 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk communication and new knowledge in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

      PAN FIGHT closing conference ;

      2022-09-12 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Scharffscher, Kristin Sørung; Arora, Sanjana; Renn, Ortwin


      Roundtable: New knowledge and lessons learned on risk communication in the wake of the pandemic.

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe Nordic chapter;

      2022-09-27 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Vaccine acceptance: Understanding vaccine acceptance with lessons learned from COVID-19.

      Flu Forum 2022;

      2022-10-18 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Helping authorities’ future pandemic risk communication strategies.


      2022-12-01 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Barneoud, Lise


      Mediapart VACCINS : UNE COURSE SANS FIN ENTRETIEN Vaccination: «Aider les gens à prendre eux-mêmes de meilleures décisions».

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Comparative Research on Risk Regulation.

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe Nordic ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Covid19- Lessons in Emergence .

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe ;

      2021-06-14 - .

    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Payne, Katherine; Vass, Caroline



      SRA-E Conference;

      2021-06-13 - 2021-06-16.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Keynote: Can the Construction Sector Benefit from Risk Communication? Lessons from Risk Science .

      iNDiS 15th international conference on planning, designm construction and building renewal;

      2021-11-24 - .

    • Shapiro, Matan-Ilan; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      The Risk of Masks: The Face in Pandemic Time. .

      Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting ;

      2021-12-06 - .

    • Shapiro, Matan-Ilan; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      The Moral Power of Relatedness: Popular Responses to Covid-19 Risk-Communication in Rogaland, Norway.

      Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting ;

      2021-12-06 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Why we need an SRA chapter for the MENA region .

      Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting ;

      2021-12-07 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      "The Brussels Effect" A risk policy perspective .

      Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting ;

      2021-12-07 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Löfstedt, Ragnar E.; Evensen, Darrick


      The Impact of Covid19 on Influenza vaccination: a European Survey .

      8th ESWI Influenza Conference ;

      2021-12-06 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Pandemic Perceptions: Communicating the importance of flu vaccination during the COVID-19 pandemic.

      European Parliament Webinar ;

      2021-09-07 - .

    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Payne, Katherine; Vass, Caroline



      SRA annual meeting;

      2020-12-13 - 2020-12-17.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      “Perception of Influenza Vaccine among Older Adults”.

      Vaccine Europe;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Variation in flu uptake rates and efficacy across four European countries: insights from risk perception and communication.

      Innovation in flu vaccines;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Radon Risk Communication: towards a science‐informed approach.

      European Radon Week;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Evidence giving on Covid19 risk communication to Biosecurity and National Security Committee, UK House of Commons.

      Evidence giving to Biosecurity and National Security Committee;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      EU FORA Training .



    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel



      European Public Health Conference ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk evaluation and communication strategies in influenza and COVID-19: lessons learned.

      European Scientific Working group on Influenza;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Governing risk and uncertainty in the post-Covid 19 .

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe Nordic ;

      2020-11-05 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      How Can Risk Science Improve the Understanding, Communication and Handling of Risks in Society? .

      European Safety and Rliability Conference (ESREL) 2020;

      2020-11-05 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Fighting pandemics with enhanced risk communication: Messages, compliance and vulnerability during the COVID-19 outbreak .

      Monthly meeting VIVi;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Fighting pandemics with enhanced risk communication? .

      Copenhagen Centre for Regulatory Science (CORS);


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      COVID19 as science-informed risk policy? A transatlantic perspective .

      Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting ;


    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Algorithms in the context of genetic risk information (part 2).

      SRA Europe;

      2019-06-23 - 2019-06-26.

    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Algorithms as risk communication support tool within precision medicine.

      SRA Nordic;

      2019-11-07 - 2019-11-08.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja


      Genetic risk policy in the Big Data age.

      Mind the Risk;


    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Algorithms in the context of genetic risk information.

      Guest lecture at the Manchester Centre for Health Economics;


    • Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Genetic Risk Policy in the Big Data age: exploring technology advanced tools to support risk communication.

      SRA annual meeting;

      2019-12-08 - 2019-12-12.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja


      Algorithms in the context of genetic risk information (part 1).

      SRA Europe;

      2019-06-23 - 2019-06-26.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Mrksic Kovacevic, Sanja; Payne, Katherine; Vass, Caroline



      Mind the Risk;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Keynote at annual Samfunnssikkerhetskonfereansen 2019 From Trump to Brexit: Science and risk policy in the fake news era.

      Samfunnssikkerhetskonfereansen 2019;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Society for Risk Analysis Europe Annual meeting plenary panel talk. Systemic Risks: Challenges for Risk Analysis and Governance.

      SRAE annual meeting;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Milon, Jean-Baptiste


      Presentation : One culture to bind them all? results of a pilot study .

      Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Panelist Roundtable: ''Europe after Brexit? Consequences for Risk Analysis.

      SRAE Benelux ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Panelist “Risk education for kids and teenagers: what, why and how?”.

      SRAE Benelux annual meeting ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Welcome address at Citizens’ Commitment in Risk Governance: From Inaction to Co-Decision.

      SRAE Iberia annual meeting ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Presentation at DIA Europe Factbox For Benefit Risk Analysis .

      Drug Information Association Europe;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      External speaker: Risk Communication: Communicating uncertainty , what have we learnt, challenges.


      2019-12-06 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Talk : Patient trust in clinical trial data- From Transparency to risk communication .

      Clinical Trials Europe;

      2019-11-21 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Keynote presentation: Gloalisation of Risk Management Plans. A risk communication perspective.

      Global Forum for Qualified Persons for Pharmacovigilance (QPPV);

      2019-11-07 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Talk: Improving scientific communication on challenging topics: Lessons from 50 years of risk communication research .

      iPlanta COST action ;

      2019-02-27 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Löfstedt, Ragnar E.


      Presenting Radon policy in Sweden and servng as secretary to draft Potsdam Manifesto on Radon Risk Communication.

      Radon Risk Communication;

      2019-10-08 - 2019-10-10.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Orgamiser and Chair of Ditchley 9th conference .

      Ditchley 9th annual conference ;

      2019-06-20 - 2019-06-21.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Using Targeted Communication Strategies to Fight the Flu. Brochure by International Federation on Ageing. Contributor.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Building Trust in Vaccination: the role of Risk Communication.

      Fighting the flu through targeted awareness campaigns;

      2019-01-30 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Uncertainty and risk communication.

      Mallorca risk communication workshop;

      2019-06-17 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Contribution to policy brief on evidence-based uncertainty.

      Drafting of Policy brief on evidence-based uncertainty;

      2019-03-06 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Royal Society discussion meeting..

      Feedback on Renn et al, ‘Making Sense of Science’;

      2019-06-07 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Aven, Terje


      Webinar Core subjects of risk analysis: Risk management and governance .

      SRA Webinar series ;


    • Hansson, Mats G.; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Howard, Heidi C.


      Genetics and risk- an exploration of conceptual approaches to genetic risk .

      Journal of Risk Research.

      ISSN 1366-9877.

      Volum 21.

      Hefte 2.


      DOI: 10.1080/13669877.2017.1382562

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Roundtable chair and speaker: Educating Kids to Risk: What Can be Done, What has been Done and What Remains to be Done.

      Society for Risk Analysis annual meeting ;

      2018-12-02 - 2018-12-06.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk communication and policy in the 21st century: science informed .

      SEROS faglunsj;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      The evolving role of science for policy analysis: a transatlantic study.

      Society and Risk Workshop;

      2018-02-28 - 2018-03-02.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Roundtable speaker: Europe after Brexit? Consequences for Risk Analysis.

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe Benelux Chapter;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk Communication: what have we achieved and what are the current challenges for Pharma.

      Drug Information Association;

      2018-04-17 - 2018-04-21.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk and Crisis Communication in the 21st Century .

      EU FORA Training course;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk and Crisis Communication in the 21st Century .

      EFSA training course ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Panelist , part-taking in panel discussion on Uncertainty.

      European Parliament panel on Uncertainty;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk-Science in the post Trump post Brexit environment: what can we learn?.

      Risk Governance: Analysis, Perception, Communication;

      2018-06-29 - 2018-06-30.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      The Evolving Role of Science for Policy Under Uncertainty: What have we learnt post Trump and Brexit? .

      Risk and Uncertainty Conference ;

      2018-06-12 - 2018-12-14.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Plenary session Chair .

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe 2018;

      2018-06-18 - 2018-06-20.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Supporting a Risk Scientific Approach to Education Policy : a Systematic Review.

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe 2018;

      2018-06-18 - 2018-06-20.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Session Chair: : Risk management education and practice, part IV.

      Society for Risk Analysis Europe 2018;

      2018-06-18 - 2018-06-20.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel; Karlsson, Mikael


      Risk Science and the Regulatory Environment - SRA Podcast series .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Influence of societal trends on risk communication .

      IMACE/ FEDIOL General Assemby ;

      2018-06-15 - 2018-06-16.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk Policy in the 21st Century.

      Visit Twente University ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk Communication: what have we achieved and what are the current challenges for Pharma?.

      AstraZeneca seminar;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Keynote talk: Risk communication in the 21st century: challenges and opportunities for regulators.

      Staff conference ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Science-informed risk governance in the 21st century: Lessons from Europe and beyond.

      DSB Staff presentation ;


    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk Science and Decision Science for Children and Teenagers. Meeting organiser and co-chair.

      Workshop Risk Education;

      2018-10-08 - 2018-10-12.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Risk Policy in the 21st Century: Towards a safer world? Plenary talk .

      SRA Nordic 2018;

      2018-11-08 - 2018-11-09.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Interview fr TTVest at SRA Nordic meeting .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Does Risk Analysis have a Future? A Transatlantic perspective .

      Society for Risk Analysis ;

      2002-12-12 - .

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Establishing a new chapter in the MENA region.

      Society for Risk Analysis ;

      2002-12-14 - .

  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
    • Rothkopf, Alexander Karl; van der Giezen, Mark; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Til death do us part.

    • Bouder, Frederic Emmanuel


      Science talk at the Berlin at Natural History Museum Berlin. Talking vaccines is risky business: challenges in the post-trust environment.


  • Kommersialisering
  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway