Linda Natalie Borho


Linda Natalie Borho


Telephone: 51832751


Room: KE C-358

Location: University of Stavanger


Faculty of Science and Technology

Faculty Administration TN

Project Support and PhD Administration TN

About me

Employed as project coordinator and advisor at the Faculty of Science and Technology, UiS.

PhD candidate in an ongoing PhD-project at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Social Studies, UiS.

PhD - Project: Stakeholders’ Expectations of Social Workers, in Social Work with Young, Unnaccompanied Refugees, in Norway. Including the perspectives of young, unaccompanied refugees, leaders of social workers and social workers themselves. Qualitative Study based on Interviews.


More about my project and me:


Other Research-Related Experiences:

Fieldwork and interviews in Orphanages in Bolivia (Bachelor thesis 2010)

Fieldwork and interviews with Youth at-risk in the Dominican Republic (Master thesis 2012)


Academic Background:

Bachelor of science in Development Studies, University of Agder (2010)

Master of science in Development Management, University of Agder (2012)


Professional Experiences in Social Work:

Employee at NAV local in Norway

Internship in Social School Projects in the Dominican Republic

Employee at Nursing home in Norway


Languages: Norwegian, German, English, Spanish



