Risk Management and Societal Safety is a subfield within the doctoral programme in Science and Technology at UiS. The subfield has specialisations in risk management, societal safety, industrial economics, and city and regional planning. The doctoral programme is linked to the research within each of these specialisations.

About the subfield
Risk Management and Societal Safety is a subfield within the doctoral programme in Science and Technology at UiS. The subfield has specialisations in risk management, societal safety, industrial economics, and city and regional planning. The doctoral programme is linked to the research within each of these specialisations.
Within the area of risk analysis and management, research is largely aimed at developing general knowledge of concepts, theories, frameworks, approaches, principles, methods, and models for understanding, assessing, characterizing, communicating and managing risk. The area also covers the development of specific knowledge about risk and safety related to various types of activities, systems, and phenomena in society.
In the field of societal safety, research themes are largely directed at risk and vulnerability analysis and management, particularly in relation to public bodies and regulatory issues within areas such as transport, communication, health and emergency preparedness.
Within the area of industrial economics there is research on economic risk management and the financial approach to the effects of risk, uncertainty and risk management, and the significance of regulations. The petroleum industry is also important for applicable research issues, but studies are also focussing on a large number of other industries, sectors and markets including fishing and fish farming, energy, finance, agriculture, medicine, and various levels in the value chain such as suppliers, retailers and exporters. City and regional planning focuses on place making, site-specific understanding, spatial analysis, conceptual development and design, as well as planning processes, shaping robust urban infrastructure and communities, along with renewable energy solutions.
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning.
Target audience
Students with master’s degree in risk management, social safety, industrial economics, and city and regional planning.
Study Courses
- BYG905 Foundational Issues in City and Regional Planning (10 credits)
- IND905 Econometric Analysis (10 credits)
- RIS900 Foundational Issues in Risk Analysis (10 credits)
- SAM910 Foundational issues in societal safety and emergency management (10 credits)
- SAM915 Theories and Methodologies in Societal Safety (5 credits)
- SAM920 Advanced Theories and Methodologies in Societal Safety (5 credits)
Students select one of these topics depending on their chosen specialisation. Study courses from other universities can also be selected as long as the course covers the learning outcomes for the programme.
Project Courses
Project courses are supervisor-led and tailored according to the needs of the PhD project. The following project courses are offered:
- BYG900 PhD Project course in Urban Planning (10 credits)
- IND900 PhD Project course in Industrial Economics (10 credits)
- RIS905 PhD Project course in Risk Management (10 credits)
- SAM900 PhD Project course in Societal Safety (10 credits)
Learning outcomes will also be covered through completion of research documented by the doctoral thesis, disputation, participation in conferences with presentations, research / study abroad and preparation of scientific papers.
Academic contact
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning