CULTIVÆRE: Sociocultural approaches to mental health and human values

This research groups mission is to promote a sense of mattering and belonging where people can connect to a sense of meaning and purpose in ways that also contribute to the common good at a societal and global level.

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Illustrasjon av innbyggere i ulike situasjoner i et bymiljø

The research group is led by Olga Lehmann.

We are a group of transdisciplinary scholars, activists, and stakeholders interested in assuring that helpful mental health and well-being interventions are both inclusive and available for everyone, independently of their gender, diagnosis, age or cultural background. Our mission is to promote a sense of mattering and belonging where people can connect to a sense of meaning and purpose in ways that also contribute to the common good at a societal and global level. Therefore, we are also explicitly interested in individual, relational, community and structural changes that make interventions for mental health and well-being more helpful and more congruent with human values. The United Nation’s sustainable development goals (UN, n.d.) we contribute to are 3.4, 4.5, 5.5, 10.2 & 17.6 

We have 4 lines of research in our research group. All our upcoming publications relate to at least one of these lines of research: 

  • Promotion of compassion & resilience in mental health & well-being
  • Promotion of collective justice in mental health & well-being
  • Promotion of trust, mattering, and belonging in mental health & well-being
  • Promotion of creativity and imagination in mental health & well-being

Members from UiS

Associate Professor
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
Associate Professor
Kjell Arholms Hus, Floor 2, Office A-235
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies
Associate Professor
Kjell Arholmshus. 2. etg
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Studies

External members

  • Liv Sand, Cand.Psychol, Ph.DLeader, BUP HINNA, SUS – Stavanger University Hospital 
  • Irene Kingswick, General Manager, ROS – Rådgivning om spiseforstyrrelser 
  • Trine Giving Kalstad, Director of public health and bereavement support, PhD Candidate, The Norwegian SIDS & Stillbirth Association, and Center for Crisis Psychology, University of Bergen 
  • Ottar Ness, Professor, Wellbeing and social sustainability, Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, NTNU, Norway    
  • Valeria Markova, Psychologist & Associate professor, Researcher at RVTS Vest, Norway & Associate Professor, University of Bergen 
  • Joao Costa Ribeiro, Assistant professor in design thinking and google design sprints, University of Bergen/Lean Innovation at GALP, Portugal  
  • Per-Einar Binder, Professor in Clinical Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, University of Bergen 
  • Ingvild Salsvik Lehouillier, Professor in personality and Organizational Psychology, Department of Psychology, NTNU 
  • Vlad Glaveanu, Professor in Psychology, Dublin City University, Ireland