Campus Bjergsted is located in Bjergstedparken near Stavanger city center. The Faculty of Performing Arts is located with among others, Stavanger Concert Hall, Stavanger Cathedral School, Bjergsted Department and Stavanger Cultural School.

Bjergsted Culture Park
With the exception of "Byparken", Bjergsted culture park is Stavanger's largest leisure area close to the city center. In connection with the construction of the concert hall, the park was expanded in the direction of the sea and the city center. The outdoor amphitheater at the concert hall has a capacity of up to 10,000 people. On a daily basis, there is a social meeting place in a landscape that invites to play, social meeting point and art experiences.
A rich flora, benches and lighting, art installations, new patios between the schools, a new pedestrian connects the concert hall to the existing pathway system, makes the park even more user-friendly - for everyone.

Bjergsted cultural park is what the name says: A park. Green and flowering in spring and summer, golden brown in autumn, gray-white in winter. But always ready to give you a cultural experiences!
The vision for Bjergsted Culture Park is to be a national powerhouse for music and art.
One of the special things about Bjergsted is the close connection between education and professional performers. Bjergsted is also a center for leisure music life and for festivals.
The Stavanger Symphony Orchestra plays a central role in Bjergsted Culture Park in its new concert hall. Stavanger Concert Hall is an arena for various genres - classical, pop, rock, country, soul, dance, revue, opera, theater and musicals. Stavanger Concert Hall further strengthens diversity and offers performances that have not previously been possible to experience in the region.
Contact information
Telephone: + 47 51 83 40 00
Visitors address:
Bjergsted 1
Opening hours in the administration:
Monday, Wednesday og Friday:
10:00-11:30 and 12:00-14:00.
Closed in lunch hours: kl. 11.30–12.00.
Thuesday and Thursday: closed.
Postal address:
University of Stavanger
Faculty of Performing Arts
4036 Stavanger