UiS signed in 2011 for the Declaration of commitment to the Recommendation of the European Commission on the European Charter for researchers and the Code of Conduct for recruitment of Researcher (Charter & Code) – HRS4R.

Governing documents
Implementation of the HRS4R at UiS
UiS committed by this; to ensure transparent recruitment processes and equal treatment of all applicants. The aim is to ensure fair conditions for researchers, with the clear intention to contribute to the advancement of the European Research Area.
Norwegian legislation, UiS practice comply with the 40 recommended principles in the Charter & Code concerning the responsibilities and obligations of researchers and their employers in relation to the four areas in HRS4R:
- Ethical and Professional conditions
- Recruitment and selection
- Working conditions
- Research and career development
Internal Review for Renewal Assessment: revised Action plan
Each action point, described in the action plan (pdf), has a target date and a person responsible. The action plan will be an important document for starting the necessary internal processes to reach the targets for the actions points within the estimated deadlines.
It is important also to point out that these actions will be an ongoing process where quality development should be a continuous process. It is of high importance that the UiS Action Plan remains the key document where actions are evaluated and implemented in all necessary strategic plans to become the practice on daily basis at UiS.
UiS HRS4R Task Force
The “UiS HRS4R Task Force” has been led by the HR department with members from the The Research department.
A group of stakeholders including the Vice Rector, Director of the Research, the HR Director, researchers and academic staff has provided information input and commented on the reports.
The action points and principles have been communicated in forums throughout the institution and acknowledged by senior management as an important part of the strategy for the internationalisation of UiS.
HRS4R Organization at UiS
HRS4R working Group:
- Advisor Birgitte Dambo, Research Department
- Senior advisor, Gwennaelle Carole Liliane Jackie Jennife Wathne, The Research Department
- May Merete Tjessem Opdal, Leader of Recruitment at UIS
- Senior Advisor Kristine Nordbø Røgenes, Leader Support and Human Resource development
- Kjetil Kiil Halvorsen, Leader of EMC, EURAXESS Mobility Centre UiS
HRS4R Steering Group:
- Pro Rector Research, Professor Merete Vadla Madland
- Director Gro Aden Sokn, HR department
- Director Kjersti Melberg, Research department
- Organisational Psychologist Gunhild Bjaalid, Leader Support and Human Resource development
- Senior Legal Adviser Gunnar Baustad, HR Legal Team
Research Specialist Group:
- Professor Helge Bøvik Larsen
- Associate professor Lana Bubalo
- Professor Anne Marie Lunde Husebø
- Professor Hande Eslen Ziya
- Former Pro rector, Professor Dag Husebø, now leader of Uniped- The University Pedagogic team at UiS