For the first time, a master student was awarded the prize.

Yan Wu, final year master student at the study programme Energy, Reservoir and Earth Sciences, was awarded the prize for the best young talent at the conference Energy Norway 2024. The contest is mainly for PhD students, but master students can also participate. This is the first time the prize goes to a master student.
The Skjæveland Award is the NCS2030 centre's prize for young researchers. The prize goes to a young researcher within the energy field that has shown the ability to innovate.
The statement from the jury:
Through an innovative research and dedication to advancing practices in "Generic variations in subsurface aquifer models and their impact on simulated subsurface CO2 storage", Yan Wu has exemplified excellence in this field. By integrating the grading criteria encompassing subject matter, delivery, and clarity of communication, she not only enriches our understanding, but also paves the way for a more sustainable energy future on the NCS.