Master students from University of Stavanger won the prestigious student competition during the geology conference EAGE Annual 2024.

Yan Wu, Faiz Ridhadin, Syed Nazim and Edgar del Pino Bullon won the challenge and can bring the trophy home to Stavanger. In the challenge the UiS students have analysed and interpreted an exploration Volve field data set from the Norwegian North Sea.
The Laurie Dake challenge requires teams to be innovative, and analytical thinkers. In the second of three rounds of the competiton, they made a full development plan for the Volve field targeting at net-zero emissions.
About the challenge
The Laurie Dake challenge is a competiton for students that would like to test their knowledge and team working skills. It is one of EAGE’s (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) most prestigious student competitions. The challenge requires participants to excel in these areas:
- multidisciplinary group work
- data integration
- project management
- cooperation
- presentation skills