The goal is to find environmentally friendly solutions for shipping and transport in Arctic waters.

University of Stavanger is one of the partners in Canadian Qanittaq Clean Arctic Shipping Initiative, a new collaboration, led and developed by Memorial University and the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) Canada. The aim is to develop environmentally friendly solutions for shipping and transport at sea in Arctic waters. The project is supported with a total of 91.6 million Canadian dollars, which corresponds to around 730 million Norwegian kroner.
The project is funded by Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF). UiS is one of the academic partners in the project, together with NTNU and Memorial University of Newfoundland, among others.
The project will investigate the challenges linked to the increase in Arctic shipping, related environmental impacts, as well as support the Inuit communities' needs for a safe and cost-effective supply of goods. In addition to research and development, mobility of staff and students is an important part of the collaboration. The contact person at UiS is Muk Chen Ong.