Anja Schnepf defended her PhD-thesis titled "Design optimisation of Power Cable Configurations for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines".

Monday 17 September Anja Schnepf defended her PhD-thesis titled "Design optimisation of Power Cable Configurations for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines". The investigation included feasibility studies and identifying viable configurations for several locations in addition to identifying constraints affecting the designs of power cable configurations.
Anja Schnepf's work includes extensive reviews on the current state-of-art and propose inclusion of optimisation procedures into power cable configuration designs. Specifically, the integration of the algorithms Sequential Least Squares Programming (SLSQP) and Efficient Global Optimisation (EGO) is studied and presented in the project.
Anja Schnepf has been working as an Industrial PhD, where the university has collaborated with CoreMarine in develpoing the research questions and following up the project. The supervisor team of Associate Professor Knut Erik Teigen Giljarhus (main supervisor) and Professor Emeritus Ove Tobias Gudmestad has worked together with mentors Dr. Carlos Lopez-Pavon and Øyvind Johnsen from CoreMarine.