The international research team, national and international panels met to share the latest development and exchange insights on how to ensure the engagement of users and an eco-system in the innovation space for welfare technology.

On 29 April 2021, the “Releasing the Power of Users” project team held a digital meeting on Zoom. The international research team, national and international panels met to share the latest development and exchange insights on how to ensure the engagement of users and an eco-system in the innovation space for welfare technology.
The meeting started with an opening speech from the current project leader, Elin Oftedal, who updated on the project in general and three work packages’ achievements and roadmaps. Chunyan Xie, leader of work package 1, shared about the progress of their research including a planned survey based on the usage of a nutrition app. Kristi Skeie and Karin van Leersum shared their research progress: a scoping review on citizen science in technology for health, care, and well-being; user motivation and inclusion in innovation. Thomas Laudal, leader of work package 3 shared the proposed research themes and plan for work package 3, followed by a round of discussions from the national and international teams.
John Bessant led the book project discussion, the ”boundary innovation space”, with the proposal for sections and chapters. The work package 2 team, together with Marit Hagland from the Norwegian Smart Care Cluster (NSCC) then continued by sharing their experiences about the digital User Café (Elin & Kristi), as well as the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) (Marit & Judy). Elisa Thomas, leader of work package 2, shared the plan for a special issue at the upcoming ISPIM conference in June 2021.
The team also discussed more ideas for distributing of the knowledge toward the end of the meeting.