Here you can find information about which application category you belong to. Please see important information below.
Everyone has to apply through Søknadsweb.
Nordic country: If you are from one of the Nordic countries, you must apply as a local applicant.
EU/EEA country/Switzerland: If you are from one of the EU/EEA countries or Switzerland, you must apply as an international applicant.
Non-EU/EEA country: If you are from outside of the EU/EEA countries, you must apply as an international applicant.
The Nordic countries consist of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, as well as the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland. If you are not able to apply as a local applicant, please contact
Applicants with secondary education from the Nordic countries can meet the Norwegian language requirement depending on their background.
See here how to meet the Norwegian language requirement.