Oslo University Hospital, Section for Acute and Pre-hospital care became partners in SHARE – Centre for Resilience in Healthcare in 2023.

Oslo University Hospital (OUH) is Europe´s largest hospital trust with more than 24.000 employees and the responsibility for specialist healthcare in the capital region of Norway, and the provision of certain areas of specialist care on a national level. OUH has a strong and longstanding research activity within many areas in medicine and healthcare. Since 2023 OUH is a partner in SHARE following an initiative from the Division of Prehospital Services (PRE) and the Division of Emergencies and Critical Care (AKU).
Find list of members from OUH.
AKU has an extensive research portfolio with seven research groups spanning from traumatology to nursing via all branches of anaesthesiology and critical care. The research activity in PRE was recently separated from AKU and currently holds one research group, but maintains four fields of research:
- Cardiac arrest research including registry based research
- Transfer and retrieval including patient safety and transport medicine
- Prehospital medical treatment, new technology and biosensors including collaboration with world leading engineering researchers
- Safe and optimal prioritization and resource allocation including health services research and patient perspectives
More information and details pertaining the research activity of AKU and PRE can be found here:
- OUH - Emergency & Critical Care (ous-research.no)
- OUH - Prehospital Research Group (ous-research.no)
The first months as a partner in SHARE have been focused on mutual networking, establishing common ground for future projects and collaboration and acquiring insight into each other’s organisations. There are however currently two projects running as part of the collaboration between OUH and SHARE, both projects focusing on prehospital services:
- PhD project on individual and collective learning processes among providers of prehospital care
- PhD project on quality indicators related to patient safety in prehospital care