The Patient Safety Research Group at the Institute of Health Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health, NTNU Gjøvik, is a partner in the SHARE Centre. Led by Associate Professor Kristian Ringsby Odberg, the group focuses on human factors to enhance healthcare systems and processes for increased patient safety.

Kristian Ringsby Odberg, associate professor

The group comprises 24 members, with 11 actively collaborating with the SHARE Centre. Collaborations include joint PhD supervision, publications, research and writing seminars, and more to foster professional relationships within the center.
In addition, the group holds regular meetings to discuss ongoing projects, new ideas, research strategies, interdisciplinary projects, funding, and relevant theoretical perspectives. The group works closely with Innlandet Hospital Trust and Karlstad University, Sweden.
Ongoing projects in collaboration with SHARE
- From low-value care to high value services in radiology: measures, implementation and outcomes.
- Teamwork in hospital: A quasi-experimental study applying a Human Factor approach.
- Simulation-based team training of non-technical skills among anaesthesia staff.
- From low-value care to high value services in radiology: measures, implementation and outcomes.
- Simulation-based team training of non-technical skills among anaesthesia staff.
- Coordinated and family-centred long-term care pathways for children and their families’: A resilience perspective.
- Use of mortality data for detecting factors that may affect the occurrence of avoidable deaths.
- Team training to support medication administration in the ambulance services. A study of a teamwork interventions’ impact on medication administration.
Highlights 2022:
The Patient Safety Research Group at the Institute of Health Science, Faculty of Medicine and Health, NTNU Gjøvik, has seen recent accomplishments:
- Two doctorate candidates, Dr. Tore Karlsen and Dr. Oddveig Reiersdal, have successfully completed their degrees.
- The group has welcomed two new PhD candidates, Elin Bjørnstad Tuveng and Ingvild Røe.
- Sissel I. E. Husebø and Randi Ballangrud published a significant book on teamwork in healthcare services in Norwegian.
- Several members of the Patient Safety Research Group, contributed chapters to an anthology on Medication Safety in Municipal Health and Care Services.
- The group participated in successful writing seminars with supervisors from UiS and Gjøvik.