Here you can find resources related to the criminal justice system's relationship with social work and child welfare.
The Prison and Probation Service often collaborates with people from social work and child welfare services. This is because many inmates may have had difficult childhood conditions or other problems that social workers and child welfare professionals can help with. You can find resources related to the criminal justice system's relationship with social work and child welfare.
Criminal justice
The probation service often collaborates with people from social work and child welfare.

The Prison and Probation Service often collaborates with people from social work and child welfare services. This is because many inmates may have had difficult childhood conditions or other problems that social workers and child welfare staff can help with.
Before someone is sentenced, professionals can help to establish what may have been a factor in the person committing the offence. This can help them to address any issues. During their sentence, they can provide counselling and support to inmates to help them cope with challenges and learn new skills.
After release, they can help find work, housing and family support to prevent the person from reoffending. Through this co-operation, they can try to reduce recidivism and help former inmates become part of society again.
Parents in prison and children's attachment style
Here you will find resources related to parenting in prison and children's attachment style

Attachment experiences in childhood have a lasting impact on how people form relationships and navigate emotional contexts throughout their lives. Secure attachment promotes healthy relationships, while insecure attachment can lead to problems with trust and intimacy. Witnessing stressful events, such as parental criminal activity, parental arrests and poorly managed parental visitation in prison, further impacts attachment style. For children with incarcerated parents, managing visitation becomes crucial to maintaining a secure attachment and supporting the emotional wellbeing of both the child and the parent.
Children who commit crime
Here you will find resources related to children who commit crime.

Children can commit crimes, but what are the consequences and how do different countries deal with this problem? Different countries have different views on how old children who commit criminal offences are. What should happen to a child who has committed a crime? This may depend on what we believe is the purpose of punishment. As a social worker, what do you think is the purpose of punishment?
Hard childhood experiences and future criminal activity
Social workers should be aware that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are often factors that influence future criminal behaviour.
Working interprofessionally
Here you will find resources related to interprofessional working

As a social worker or child welfare worker, you need to work in an interdisciplinary way. It may be necessary to collaborate with professionals in the criminal justice system if children or their parents are in contact with the criminal justice system. Here are some podcasts and additional reading material to give you an insight into the world of people and professionals who are in contact with or work with the criminal justice system.