Students, PhDs and postdocs played a vital part in the IOR centre. No less than 25 per cent of the Centre's budget is reserved for education and training purposes.

Each year, the Centre has had four or five PhD students within each of two research themes. In addition, almost 20 postdocs has been employed, distributed between UiS, NORCE and IFE.
PhDs/postdocs will be encouraged to spend up to six months with one of our international collaborators.
UiS started a new two-year MSc with emphasis on IOR-EOR in the autumn of 2013. The programme has been closely integrated with the ongoing two-year MSc in Petroleum Geoscience Engineering, with some 50 graduates combined.
New programmes
The knowledge gained through the IOR Centre will benefit the MSc students directly, both in the course spectrum and in the offerings of thesis topics.
Also, the Centre will form an important scientific basis for the new MSc program in mathematics and physics which started autumn 2013.
These programmes strengthens UiS’ position as the university in Norway with the most extensive National IOR Centre and relevant curriculum in Petroleum Technology.
Impact on education
The IOR Centre will have a direct influence on the PhD programme in Norway through UiS’ participation in the Board of the National Research School in Petroleum (NFiP). In 2012, 153 Norwegian PhD students took part in NFiP activities.
As such, the Centre will impact the petroleum education, both in terms of recruitment, quality, number of candidates and international cooperation.
In addition to the university’s international agreements, NFiP has MoUs with five top ranked universities in Europe and the United States.