The National IOR Centre of Norway was evaluated this fall. Now the report is complete. A consensus expert panel provides green light for three new years with research on improved oil recovery at University of Stavanger.

This article was publised 3rd January 2018.
When the National IOR Centre of Norway won the competition from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) in 2013, it was for financial support for five years, with the option of three additional years. Now the Centre has been running for four years. Therefore, RCN conducted a mid-term evalution this fall. The report from the evaluation is now ready - and the IOR Centre are praised by the expert panel that conducted the evaluation.
"Strong and result oriented"
The evaluation concludes that the National IOR Centre of Norway is a strong and result oriented centre.
"In the first period, the Centre has conducted high-quality research that has been recognized externally with international prizes," is the RCN conclusion on their website.
The evaluation concludes that the collaboration between research communities and industry is excellent. The panel highlights the importance of this cooperation for both industry partners and society as a whole.
"Cooperation between research and industry is essential to reaching successful solutions to the challenges associated with the efficient utilization of petroleum resources," says Fridtjof Unander, Division Director for Energy, Resources and Environment at the Research Council's website.
The way forward
Now, The National IOR Centre of Norway will submit plans for the last three years. In these plans, the Centre must also come up with its own recommendations for the guidelines the expert panel has given.
The Research Council for Energy, Resources and Environment at the Research Council will make a final decision on the financing of the last three years during April 2018.
Text and photo: Kjersti Riiber