The Scientific Advisory Committee of The National IOR Centre of Norway has spoken: The Centre should be proud of its fundamental research.

This article was publised 28th March 2019.
Every year The National IOR Centre of Norway has a meeting with the scientific advisory committee (SAC); Professor Ann Muggeridge (Imperial College, London), Professor Stephan Herminghaus (Max Planck Institute, Göttingen), Professor William Rossen (TU Delft) and Professor Yu-Shu Wu (Colorado School of Mines).
The main task of SAC is to advise the Centre management and to evaluate the scientific performance of the Centre.
Fundamental vs. applied research
«Stand your ground! Be proud of what you are doing,» was the message from Ann Muggeridge who presented the committee's views for the Centre management.
The committee's main concern was that the Centre spend too much time on applied research for the industry instead of fundamental research.
«We also would like to see a little more articulated what is the novel science, for instance specifics related to the large scale tests you are running,» Muggeridge said.
«Be curious»
The overall view was positive.
«We think you are doing great, but be proud to do curious, fundamental research,» was the conclusion from the committee.
During lunch the committee got the opportunity to meet some of the PhD students at the Centre. The students had brought the posters they presented at IOR NORWAY 2019.
Text and photo: Kjersti Riiber