The Knowledge Centre for Education has produced evidence gap maps, that makes it easier to have an overview of the research.
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- The FINNUT Web Database 2022 The Knowledge Centre for Education has produced an evidence gap map which includes all research outcomes registered at the Research Council Norway as products of funding from the Research and Innovation in Education programme (in Norwegian: FINNUT programme). FINNUT funds educational research within four main topics; Teaching and learning – Professional education and practice – Management, leadership and organization – Education and work. In this map, you can access information about scientific articles, chapters in books and conference proceedings from projects funded by FINNUT. Click on the coloured circles to find out more!
- Inclusion of Children With Special Education Needs in the Nordic countries: An Evidence Gap Map of the Empirical Literature In this systematic scoping review, research on the inclusion of students with special education needs (SEN) in Nordic countries was reviewed to describe the scope and types of empirical research, identify the practices and approaches on the inclusion of students with SEN, and conceptually map how particular concepts (i.e., inclusion, SEN) are referred to by the authors of each study in the empirical literature. Click on the coloured circles to find out more!
- Research on Nordic Initial Teacher Education: An Evidence Gap Map In this systematic scoping review, you get access to Nordic research on teacher education, written in English. This is a great way to gain insight into what is being researched on teacher education in the Nordics - and to get to know both teacher education and research on this better. Click on the coloured circles to find out more!