What factors make the relationship work well between the kindergarten and multilingual parents? A forthcoming, systematic review will address this topic. The research project is presented as a protocol in KCE's new journal - Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education.

The second article of Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education is now published. The article, Positive factors Facilitating Collaboration between Early Childhood Education and Care Institutions and Multilingual Parents – A Protocol for a Systematic Review and Thematic, is a protocol.
The protocol presents the planned and upcoming work for a systematic review of the topic, positive factors facilitating cooperation between early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions, and multilingual parents.
"The number of children with a foreign background, both in Scandinavia and internationally, has increased during recent decades. These children are often exposed to more than one language on a daily basis. Earlier research has established that collaboration between ECEC institutions and parents is a vital factor in children’s development, learning, and school success. This is especially the case for multilingual children with a foreign background. This protocol discusses research-based knowledge in relation to this collaboration, and identifies a knowledge gap regarding up-to-date research on the positive factors enabling collaboration between ECEC institutions and multilingual parents," the abstract says.