Overview of special interest groups and networks

Norwegian network for leadership research in ECEC (NelBa)
The network will strengthen cooperation on leadership research in the ECEC field. It is focused on leadership at the owner, board and educational leader level with various theoretical stances, as well as organization. The coordination group consists of researchers from OsloMet, DMMH and USN.
Karin Hognestad, Senter for barnehageforskning, utvikling og innovasjon (SEBUTI), USN.
Read more about NelBa here.
Special interest groups
The following groups were established at the Norwegian ECEC conference in Stavanger 16.-17. October 2019:
ECEC pedagogical discourses (Barnehagepedagogiske diskurser)
History, exploration and curiosity, conversations, views on knowledge, play, learning and formation.
Liv Ingrid Aske Håberg, Volda University College.
The multicultural in ECEC context at different levels, for example leadership and personnel-oriented focus, attitude work, parent cooperation, multicultural practice, arena for intercultural play.
Merete Nornes-Nymark, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Anne Grethe Sønsthagen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Marianne Presthus Heggen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Language, relations, communication and interaction (with emphasis on methods)
Ingrid M. Løkken, University of Stavanger.
Aesthetic learning processes
Anne Karin Fotland, University of Stavanger.
Mathematics in ECEC
Tamsin Meany, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
Reading in ECEC
Reading in kindergarten creates space for aesthetic experiences and good conversations. By prioritising reading, a culture is created for reading in kindergarten that delights the here and now – and which also provides valuable experiences that extend far beyond kindergarten age.
The interest group, which is subject and methodological independent, brings together researchers who are particularly interested in reading in ECEC settings. Topics that have been highlighted include reading communities among the youngest kindergarten children, kindergarten teachers' practices for and attitudes towards literature dissemination, children's experiences with reading at home, children's reading of details in illustrations, different reading practices in ECEC and schools, reading in different media, children's own text creation, quality in children's literature and kindergarten teachers' use of strategies to establish common focus around the story and the book.
Are you interested in joining, or know someone who would be interested in joining the group?
Trude Hoel, University of Stavanger.