SHARE collaborates with world leading researchers and research groups in the field of patient safety.

Being in the forefront in one’s research field requires an extensive network that enables exchange of experience and ideas with high quality researchers worldwide. SHARE is proud to collaborate with so many warm and intelligent leading researchers and research groups in Scandinavia, Europe, Australia, USA, Canada and Japan.
Our internationalisation efforts take several forms with the most important being researcher mobility, joint grant applications, organisation of expert panels and seminars, attendance at conferences, and adjunct professorships. During 2023 the Centre experienced a rise in requests about research visits from international collaborators.
Key activities throughout 2023:
- SHARE hosted the “The future of quality and safety in healthcare - emerging topics and possible solutions” Gathering experts from different fields such as research, policy makers and independent investigations.
- Hosted research visits from University of Antananarivo, Madagskar, quality and safety bodies in the Netherlands, the French Embassy, Københavns Professionshøjskole, Macquarie University, University of Strathclyde, and University of Toronto.
- SHARE researchers were invited speakers at seminars and conferences such as the Ergonomics & Human Factors, International Regulator Forum, Harvard Medical School, in Australia, England and Norway.
- Several researchers were involved in the Tools4Teams Winter school, in Olden, Switzerland.
- SHARE also hosted visitors and arranged seminars for participants from the Norwegian Directorate of Health and the National Patient Safety Board (NPSB) Coalition, USA. NPSB particularly asked for the SHARE meeting due to their great interest in familiarizing themselves with SHARE’s work related to the establishment of the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board(UKOM) and UKOMs work.
- Two new international adjunct professors are affiliated with SHARE
- The SHARE Centre got a new partner in the Consortium; Oslo University Hospital.
The SHARE Centre has had the pleasure of hosting a number of both international and national visitors during 2023. Among the national visitors are Karin Müller Mikaelsen, chief medical officer Innlandet and Eva Stensland Chief of research in SDKE Center for clinical documentation and evaluation. Both visitors were interested in knowing more about the research at the Centre and shared generously of their own knowledge. Form overseas we hosted several researchers from our friends at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University (AIHI); Jeffrey Braithwaite, Louise Ellis, Ann Carrigan and Colleen Cheek. All of them stayed at various lengths and were able to join both business and leisure activities such as seminars and early morning swims. From the University of Toronto, we had the pleasure of hosting master student Senthujan Senkaiahliyan, who single handedly approached us for a research visit. Senthujan were an absolute pleasure to host, genuinely interested in the Norwegian healthcare system and highly knowledgeable of the Canadian system. We have also had the pleasure of welcoming Stephen Billett from Grifith University who stayed with us for two weeks and Professor of Practice Catherine Calderwood from The University of Strathclyde. For all our visitors we have learned a lot and we hope that they will come back in the future.
In line with the SHARE research strategy several of the Centre’s researchers has also traveled abroad, a majority of them to what we now call the Norwegian office at AIHI, but also to new destinations such as Harvard medical School and Boston and Women's hospital, and Griffith University Gold Coast. Underneath you can read what some of them experienced during their stay.

Malin Knutsen Glette had her overseas stay at Harvard Medical School, Boston

Ann Carrigan enjoying her visit at SHARE's Lunch room

Ann Carrigan giving a talk at the SHARE staff meeting

Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland visited Stephen Billet in Brisbane

Birte Fagerdal and Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland on their way to work at AIHI Sydney Australia

Birte Fagerdal and collegues visiting The Blue Mountains while in Sydney

All visitor are invited to the AIHI staff meeting when visiting

Celebrating a Thesis Dissertation in Sydney Australia

Beautiful view of the operahouse in Sydney
Barbecue at Lil's place Elina Pant, Natàlia Ransolin, Matt Carrigan, Ann Carrigan, Malin Rosell Magerøy, Amanda Dom

Colleen Cheek and Siri Wiig enjoying the beach at Jæren

Malin Magerøy and Camilla Seljemo during their stay in Sydney
Christmas swim in crisp water during Colleen Cheek's visit

Irene Sirevåg, Griffith University

Meeting old and new friends at IsQua, Seoul 2023

Sissel Huseø visited Karin Bo in Umeå

Malin Knutsen Glette outside Harvard Medical School

Visiting Australia should always include a visit to the beach. Here at one of the remote beaches in Booderee National Park

Sissel Husebø at her researchstay in Umeå, Sweden

Kristin Laugaland and Kristin Akerjordet visiting
Professor Brendan McCormack at University of Sydney during their stay in Australia

Colleen Cheek got to expereince some real Norwegian snow during her stay at SHARE

Hilda Bø Lyng, Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland and Colleen Cheek spent a day at Sola Beach Hotel working on a research project in the Resilience in Healthcare project during Colleen's stay

Colleen Cheek checking the temperature of the water at Sola Beach

Ann Carrigan enjoying a swim during her stay at SHARE. The water holds 5c

Colleen Cheek also had the pleasure for visitin Birte Fagerdal in Bergen when she was in Norway