"While looking for a place to do my masters at I was already sure that I wanted to go to Norway" says Matthias Anton Schedel.
Name and study programme?
My name is Matthias Anton Schedel. I am studying Master of Science in Data Science.

What do you like to do in your free time?
Stavanger offers a lot to do. There is a music university, and you can listen to jazz jams once a week. There is a decent amount of clubs and bars where you can go to party. I like to go to the mountains that surround Stavanger like Dalsnuten or play some card games with friends at my dorms. If you are an active person you will find a lot of things to do in this city!
Why did you choose to study Master of Science in Data Science?
Computer Science was the study program I did my bachelor’s degree in. I really enjoyed it so I decided to continue with a master’s degree in the same field.
Why did you choose Stavanger and UiS?
I have to admit I did not know a lot about Stavanger before I applied here. While looking for a place to do my masters at I was already sure that I wanted to go to Norway and since UiS has a course in data-science I started to look into the possibilities for me to study here.
Why did you choose your specialization?
After I finished my Bachelor’s degree in general computer science I wanted to get a deeper understanding for data driven technologies. I had a feeling that with the Data Science study program I would learn things I am already interested in.
How does a typical day at UiS look for you?
UiS has something called SiS which offers housing, sells books, runs the cafeteria and a gym right on campus. I usually start my day in the gym ( SiS sportssenter) which has a free a sauna!
There is an interest group for computer science students. Thanks to them we get our own room to study in. It comes with water dispenser, microwave, TV and a lot of places to study so after I finished my workout i will go there to study, eat and hang out with other students. I can leave most of my stuff in the student room when I go to my lectures.
Two times a week, when the UiSi Volleyball has training, I will go there.
There is also a library which is opened 24/7. It`s a really good place to study if you dont want to go to the student room.
Do you have any memories from your time here til now?
Yes of course! Some of the best ones are the parties like Fadder Week and Husfest. Then there was also ONS, a huge energy convention which was really impressive. Ohh and I saw northern lights for the first time and that was suuper impressive!
Do you have any advice for future students?
A lot of the courses will also be taught online. Make sure to come to UiS in person as often as possible as there is so much going on and so much to do. Also make sure to use Apps like MinSiS where there will be a lot of free events for students. What I`m trying to say is make good use of all the different things that are possible at UIS and in Stavanger.