National Conference in Political Science – working groups

The conference is organized into sessions of four working groups as indicated below.

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Information about the working groups

Upon registering for the conference, you need state which working group you’d prefer to join, the title of your article and a short abstract/summary (up to 250 words). Papers can be submitted in Norwegian or English. If there are any non-Norwegian speakers present in the working group the discussion will be held in English.

Each conference participant will be expected to act as an opponent of at least one article.

Papers should be submitted directly to the group leaders by 2 January.

The four working groups are

  • International politics
  • Comparative politics
  • Public policy and administration
  • Political theory

International politics

The group welcomes theoretical and empirical papers on international relations and politics, the function and operation of international organizations, internationalization and globalization, security policy and international conflicts, or other topics within the field of international politics.

Group leaders:

Comparative politics

The group welcomes papers within comparative politics, broadly defined. This includes, but is not limited to, works dealing with political behaviour (public opinion, media, parties and voters, and the interaction between these), institutions and regimes (systems of governance, democratization), conflict (civil war, protests, social movements), and political economy (the interaction between socioeconomic changes and political institutions, behaviour, and/or decision making).

Groups leaders:

Public policy and administration

The group welcomes papers on all aspects of public policy and administration. This includes (but is not limited to) various aspects of supranational, national, regional or local political and administrative institutions, as well as attitudes to, design of, or consequences of public policy.

Group leaders:

Political theory

The group welcomes works within normative political theory, political ethics and history of ideas, as well as fundamental problems within political science. There are no requirements for specific methodological approaches.

Group leader:

Sign up for the conference

Return to the main site for the conference.
