The Network is a facilitator for patient and stakeholder involvement in SHARE. The Network representatives participate in national and international program committees as well as contributing to stakeholder gatherings such as annual Network seminars.
Network for Carer Research was established at the University of Stavanger in 2013. In 2018, the coordination of the Network was integrated in the SHARE Centre. Currently, the Network consists of approximately 190 affiliated members with a range of different backgrounds such as researchers, clinical practitioners, and representatives from other stakeholder groups, mostly from Norway.

The main purpose of the Network is to contribute to development, dissemination of knowledge and competence within the field of informal carer research, primarily by gathering researchers, clinical practitioners, and representatives from other stakeholder groups.
Inger Johanne Bergerød and Cecilie Erga holds the positions as network coordinators while Siri Wiig is the scientific lead. The coordinators main task is to follow up on the five - year strategy for the Network developed in 2018 (available online at the SHARE website).
This year the Network coordinators' have organized a meeting with the Networks reference group. They have agreed to participate in a strategy revision process resulting in a new five-year strategy document for the Network. This work process will start in April this year.
In addition, all Network members are invited to present their research at a conference in Oslo on the 16th of March entitled: “From knowledge to action: the changing carer role”. This conference is a collaboration between the Network for carer research (UiS), The Norwegian alliance for informal Carers, NHO Geneo and Eurocarers. The Minister of Health and Care Services in Norway, Ingvild Kjerkol, will give the opening keynote speech at the conference.
Digital National Carer Conference 2022
Network for Carer Research was a partner in organising the conference and SHARE coordinator Inger Johanne Bergerød participated in the program committee. In 2022 the conference was organised as a digital event with over 1,900 unique logins. The overarching theme of this year’s conference was Carers – from extra work to sound involvement?
The National Carer conference is a collaborative initiative between the following partners: Sanden Media, The Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People (FFO), Pårørendesenteret, VID Specialized University and Network for Carer Research at the University of Stavanger.