The Norwegian Reading Centre is an active research centre within the Faculty of Arts and Education at the University of Stavanger, Norway.
Research conducted at the Norwegian Reading Centre has direct impact on policy and practices related to language and literacy in Norwegian kindergartens and schools.

As a National Centre, our role is to contribute to the implementation of the Norwegian education policy.
We have a close relationship to the Norwegian education sector, which puts us in a unique position as a research centre. Our target groups include preschool owners, leaders, teachers and staff; school owners, leaders and teachers; the educational-psychological services; teacher education institutions, as well as national policy makers.
The declared aim of the National Centre for Reading Education and Research is to contribute to the implementation of the national education policy in preschool, primary school and secondary school / high school. The goal is for all children, youths and adults to receive equal and individually adapted high-quality education in an inclusive community.
The Centre will contribute to increasing the quality of Norwegian reading education, and is to be a national resource center in the work towards strengthening Norwegians’ reading competency. The centre’s aim is also to stimulate reading and cultivate children’s love for reading in Norwegian nursery schools/kindergartens and primary schools.
Our research
The Reading Centre is a multidisciplinarian centre. Our research concerns language and literacy development and assessment in educational contexts, from kindergartens to workplaces. Theoretically and methodologically the centre displyas a broad fan of approaces to different aspects of literacy.
The centre has three strategic research programs: Literacy and Learning, New Literacy Practices, and Interfaces of Reading and Writing.
The Norwegian Reading Centre has regularly been awarded significant funding from nationally competitive research funding schemes. Our researchers work in close collaboration with partners at the University of Stavanger, and with other Norwegian and international research environments.
The Centre is also engaged in the teacher education programme at the University of Stavanger, as well as in relevant Master- and PhD programmes.