The research group PARTAKE focuses on community participation as a goal and means to achieve health, coping, good services and participation in working life.
PARTAKE - Participation in school, working life and treatment

Since its establishment in 2017, PARTAKE has worked systematically with research, dissemination, researcher education and has established a solid research portfolio within community participation and public health at the faculty.
PARTAKE aims to solve participation challenges in society through by identifying barriers to community participation and by developing and implementing measures that can contribute to increased participation. In the coming three-year period, PARTAKE will emphasize: Participation in working life, Participation in treatment and Participation in service development. The research areas include different groups focusing participation in a public health perspective: "Healthy", risk groups, the disabled, people on sick leave with various diagnoses and disabilities, people with addiction problems and /or severe mental disorders, and marginalized groups in society. In the coming three-year period, participation in service development will be a thematic cross-cutting area that can be included in the other thematic areas.
Different concepts such as social innovation, co-creation, co-production, interprofessional collaboration and collaboration will be relevant in this research area. PARTAKE will emphasize the implementation of already externally funded projects, continue the work of obtaining external research funding, maintain an international and national network and collaborate on research. The members will also contribute to teaching at bachelor's, master's and PhD levels.
Leader and coordinators
Department of Public Health
Department of Public Health