SHARE – Center for Resilience in Healthcare at UiS is hosting Resilient Health Care Society’s summer conference at Sola Beach Hotel in 2024, which lasts from June 10th to 12th with a pre-conference on June 9th.
“The academic community in SHARE is pleased to host such an international conference that sets the agenda for research within resilience in healthcare services. This shows that the academic community holds a strong position internationally, and we are very proud of that,” states Siri Wiig, who is SHARE’s centre leader.

Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland is responsible for communication and dissemination at SHARE, and she hopes to meet many new and old acquaintances with different knowledge of the resilience in healthcare field. In this way they can have good discussions about various resilience themes, and especially its development and significance for future health service delivery. The Resilient Health Care Society (RHCS) was formally established during Covid to create grounds for resilience researchers around the world to come together and share thoughts and ideas.
You can find information about registration and abstract submission on the conference's website.
Lowers the threshold for professional contact

“Once someone has met at a gathering, it is often considerably easier to contact them on a later occasion. In addition, listening to presentations, and meeting participants from different countries and professional backgrounds often provides a breeding ground for good discussions and future collaboration,” says Haraldseid-Driftland.
What plans do you have to give those traveling from other countries the best possible experience?
" It is always very important to us that our visitors enjoy their time with us. Most of all, it is about making the participants feel relaxed and welcome. This time we have framed the entire stay in the fantastic facilities and location of Sola Beach Hotel, to enable the participants to work while also getting the chance to enjoy this beautiful part of Norway. Maybe there will even be a locally inspired surprise during the stay,” answers Haraldseid-Driftland.
Encourages members of the society to register for the conference

Mary D. Patterson is Associate Dean and Professor at the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Florida. In addition to this, Patterson also chairs the executive committee of the RHCS. During the conference her role is to support the SHARE team.
“As well, the executive committee as a whole will also provide their global perspectives on the structure and assist with logistics/facilitation. As with all of our meetings, I anticipate and expect that we will share connect with new colleagues and reconnect with our friends, share information and methods, and come away with new ideas for advancing the field,” says Patterson.
According to her, this conference has a record of and provides the venue for sharing ideas from across the global community, promoting international collaborations and generating new ideas for work in this field.
Why would you recommend people to register for the conference?
“I believe that this is the only conference focused on Resilience engineering in Healthcare. This conference is the best opportunity to learn about the newest research and implementation of methods in the field and to interact with thought leaders in the field,” answers Patterson in conclusion.
Text: Eigil Kloster Osmundsen
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