Alex Bentley Nielsen

Telephone: 51831086
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics and Physics
Telephone: 51831086
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Mathematics and Physics
Scientific Collaboration, The LIGO; Collaboration, The Virgo; Collaboration, The KAGRA; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Undheim, Vegard
Search for continuous gravitational waves from known pulsars in the first part of the fourth LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run.arXiv.
Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Ahmed, Zaryab; Kastha, Shilpa
Constraining parametric deviation from Kerr using black hole ringdown of GW150914 and GW190521.
ISSN 2331-8422.
Scientific Collaboration, LIGO; Collaboration, Virgo; Collaboration, KAGRA; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Undheim, Vegard
Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 2.5–4.5 M⊙ Compact Object and a Neutron Star.Astrophysical Journal Letters.
ISSN 2041-8205.
Volum 970.
Hefte 2.
Scientific Collaboration, LIGO; Collaboration, Virgo; Collaboration, KAGRA; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Undheim, Vegard
Search for gravitational waves emitted from SN
ISSN 2331-8422.
Capano, Collin D; Abedi, Jahed; Kastha, Shilpa; Nitz, Alexander H; Westerweck, Julian; Wang, Yi-Fan; Cabero, Miriam; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Krishnan, Badri
Estimating false alarm rates of sub-dominant quasi-normal modes in GW190521.Classical and Quantum Gravity.
ISSN 0264-9381.
Volum 41.
Hefte 24.
Abac, A.G.; Abbott, R.; Abouelfettouh, I.; Acernese, F.; Adhicary, S.; Adhikari, N.; Adhikari, R.X.; Adkins, V.K.; Agarwal, D.; Agathos, M.; Aghaei Abchouyeh, Abchouyeh; Aguiar, O.D.; Aguilar, I.; Aiello, L.; Ain, A.; Ajith, P.; Akutsu, T.; Albanesi, S.; Alfaidi, R.A.; Al-Jodah, A.; Alléné, C.; Allocca, A.; Al-Shammari, S.; Altin, P.A.; Alvarez-Lopez, S.; Amato, A.; Amez-Droz, L.; Amorosi, A.; Amra, C.; Ananyeva, A.; Anderson, S.B.; Anderson, W.G.; Andia, M.; Ando, M.; Andrade, T.; Andres, N.; Andrés-Carcasona, M.; Andrić, T.; Anglin, J.; Ansoldi, S.; Antelis, J.M.; Antier, S.; Aoumi, M.; Appavuravther, E.Z.; Appert, S.; Apple, S.K.; Arai, K.; Araya, A.; Araya, M.C.; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Undheim, Vegard; Scientific Collaboration, The LIGO; Collaboration, The Virgo; Collaboration, The KAGRA
A Search Using GEO600 for Gravitational Waves Coincident with Fast Radio Bursts from SGR 1935+2154.The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ).
ISSN 0004-637X.
Volum 977.
Hefte 2.
Shoom, Andrey A.; Gupta, Pawan K.; Krishnan, Badri; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Capano, Collin D.
Testing the post-Newtonian expansion with GW170817.General Relativity and Gravitation.
ISSN 0001-7701.
Volum 55.
Hefte 4.
Abedi, Jahed; Capano, Collin D.; Kastha, Shilpa; Nitz, Alexander H.; Wang, Yi-Fan; Westerweck, Julian; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Krishnan, Badri
Spectroscopy for asymmetric binary black hole mergers.Physical Review D.
ISSN 2470-0010.
Volum 108.
Hefte 10.
Capano, Collin D.; Cabero, Miriam; Westerweck, Julian; Abedi, Jahed; Kastha, Shilpa; Nitz, Alexander H.; Wang, Yi-Fan; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Krishnan, Badri
Multimode Quasinormal Spectrum from a Perturbed Black Hole.Physical Review Letters.
ISSN 0031-9007.
Volum 131.
Hefte 22.
Wang, Yi-Fan; Capano, Collin D.; Abedi, Jahed; Kastha, Shilpa; Krishnan, Badri; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Nitz, Alexander H.; Westerweck, Julian
A frequency-domain perspective on GW150914 ringdown overtone.
ISSN 2331-8422.
Capano, Collin D.; Abedi, Jahed; Kastha, Shilpa; Nitz, Alexander H.; Westerweck, Julian; Wang, Yi-Fan; Cabero, Miriam; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Krishnan, Badri
Statistical validation of the detection of a sub-dominant quasi-normal mode in GW190521.
ISSN 2331-8422.
Undheim, Vegard; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Svanes, Eirik Eik
1PN effective binary Lagrangian for the gravity-Kalb-Ramond sector in the conservative
ISSN 2331-8422.
Addazi, A.; Alvarez-Muniz, J.; Alves Batista, R.; Amelino-Camelia, G.; Antonelli, V.; Arzano, M.; Asorey, M.; Atteia, J.-L.; Bahamonde, S.; Bajardi, F.; Ballesteros, A.; Baret, B.; Barreiros, D.M.; Basilakos, S.; Benisty, D.; Birnholtz, O.; Blanco-Pillado, J.J.; Blas, D.; Bolmont, J.; Boncioli, D.; Bosso, P.; Calcagni, G.; Capozziello, S.; Carmona, J.M.; Cerci, S.; Chernyakova, M.; Clesse, S.; Coelho, J.A.B.; Colak, S.M.; Cortes, J.L.; Das, S.; D'Esposito, V.; Demirci, M.; Di Luca, M.G.; di Matteo, A.; Dimitrijevic, D.; Djordjevic, G.; Dominis Prester, D.; Eichhorn, A.; Ellis, J.; Escamilla-Rivera, C.; Fabiano, G.; Franchino-Viñas, S.A.; Frassino, A.M.; Frattulillo, D.; Funk, S.; Fuster, A.; Nardini, Germano; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Oikonomou, Foteini
Quantum gravity phenomenology at the dawn of the multi-messenger era—A review.Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics.
ISSN 0146-6410.
Volum 125.
Kastha, Shilpa; Capano, Collin D.; Westerweck, Julian; Cabero, Miriam; Krishnan, Badri; Nielsen, Alex Bentley
Model systematics in time domain tests of binary black hole evolution.Physical Review D.
ISSN 2470-0010.
Volum 105.
Hefte 6.
Edelman, Bruce; Rivera-Paleo, F.J.; Merritt, J.D.; Farr, Ben; Doctor, Zoheyr; Brink, Jeandrew; Farr, Will M.; Gair, Jonathan; Key, Joey Shapiro; McIver, Jess; Nielsen, Alex Bentley
Constraining unmodeled physics with compact binary mergers from GWTC-1.Physical Review D.
ISSN 2470-0010.
Volum 103.
Hefte 4.
Cabero, Miriam; Westerweck, Julian; Capano, Collin D.; Kumar, Sumit; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Krishnan, Badri
Black hole spectroscopy in the next decade.Physical Review D.
ISSN 2470-0010.
Volum 101.
Hefte 6.
Marcoccia, Paolo; Fredriksson, Felicia; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Nardini, Germano
Pearson cross-correlation in the first four black hole binary mergers.Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (JCAP).
ISSN 1475-7516.
Barausse, Enrico; Berti, Emanuele; Hertog, Thomas; Hughes, Scott A.; Jetzer, Philippe; Pani, Paolo; Hervik, Sigbjørn; Kolesova, Helena; Marcoccia, Paolo; Nardini, Germano; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Sotiriou, Thomas P.; Tamanini, Nicola; Witek, Helvi; Yagi, Kent; Yunes, Nicolás; Abdelsahin, T.; Achucarro, A.; van Aelst, K.; Afshordi, N.; Akcay, S.; Annulli, L.; Arun, K.G.; Ayuso, I.; Baibhav, V.; Baker, T.; Bantilan, H.; Barreiro, T.; Barrera-Hinojosa, C.; Bartolo, N.; Baumann, D.; Belgacem, E.; Bellini, E.; Bellomo, N.; Ben-Dayan, I.; Bena, I.; Benkel, R.; Bergshoefs, E.; Bernard, L.; Bernuzzi, S.; Bertacca, D.; Besancon, M.; Beutler, F.; Beyer, F.; Bhagwat, S.; Bicak, J.; Biondini, S.; Bize, S.; Blas, D.; Boehmer, C.
Prospects for fundamental physics with LISA.General Relativity and Gravitation.
ISSN 0001-7701.
Volum 52.
Undheim, Vegard; Andersen, Jens Oluf
First post-Newtonian correction to gravitational waves produced by compact binaries: How to compute relativistic corrections to gravitational waves using Feynman diagrams.
Tranberg, Anders; Nielsen, Alex Bentley; van Dongen, Jeroen
Wonderful World: Black Holes (moderator).
Wonderful World Festival, 2024;
2024-05-30 - .
Tranberg, Anders; Hervik, Sigbjørn; Wehus, Ingunn Kathrine; Nielsen, Alex Bentley
Q&A - Generell relativitet og interstellar vitenskap.
Wonderful World -nordisk festival for filosofi og vitenskap ;
2023-06-01 - .
Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Grøn, Øyvind Geelmuyden
Et kosmisk hav av gravitasjonsbølger.
ISSN 0802-7587.
Volum 53.
Hefte 3.
Nielsen, Alex Bentley; Rothkopf, Alexander Karl
Nielsen, Alex Bentley
Energien av ingenting.
Forsker-standup på Kåkå.
Rothkopf, Alexander Karl; van der Giezen, Mark; Lechterbeck, Jutta; Pyrihova, Eva; Nielsen, Alex Bentley
Where the sun don't shine.