Heloise Baldelli

PhD Candidate

Heloise Baldelli


Email: heloise.baldelli@uis.no


Faculty of Performing Arts

Department of Classical Music

About me

Héloïse Baldelli is a French-Italian lyric soprano. She has a master's degree with honor in classical singing from the University of Stavanger under the supervision of international soprano Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz, and a specialization in opera from the University of Tor Vergata, Rome. She has interpreted roles such as Contessa in "Le Nozze di Figaro", Juliet in "The Little Sweep", Cavaliere Armidoro in "La Cecchina" and Euridice in "Orfeo". As a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Stavanger, she researches the performance practice of the songs of French modernist composers. In addition to classical repertoire such as 20th-century chamber music, romantic opera and operetta, she is interested in cabaret and comic songs, as well as creating performances where dance and theater are integrated with classical vocal chamber music. She regularly performs as a soloist and in ensembles in Norway and abroad. Since 2021, she is a member of Ensemble Nereides, which creates performances of classical music with elements from the light repertoire such as musicals and cabaret. Héloïse has sung at festivals such as the Artic Opera Festival and Chianciano Music Festival and has worked with conductors such as Per Kristian Skalstad, Terje Kvam, Peter Szilvay, Gabriele Bonolis, Salvatore Scinaldi and others.

Héloïse is an engaged candidate and is a representative in the faculty's doctoral and study portfolio committees, the university's central research and innovation committee as well as the Grieg Research School's Candidate Forum.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner


Baldelli, Heloise


HIP as a Creative Tool for Performance Design: Singing Satie’s Vocal Music .

Artistic Research Spring Forum 2023;

2023-03-13 - 2023-03-15.

Baldelli, Heloise


Presentasjon av Ph.D. prosjekt.


2023-09-28 - 2023-09-29.

Baldelli, Heloise


Presentasjon av PhD prosjekt.

Seminar 2, DIKU;

2022-02-02 - 2022-02-04.

Baldelli, Heloise


Presentasjon av PhD prosjekt.

Artistic Research Spring Forum;

2022-03-14 - 2022-03-16.

Baldelli, Heloise


Presentasjon av PhD prosjekt og workshop.

SAAR 2022;

2022-08-08 - 2022-08-12.

Baldelli, Heloise


Presentasjon av PhD prosjekt.

Collaboration and Interdisciplinary work;

2022-11-24 - 2022-11-25.

Baldelli, Heloise; Dahl, Per; Dogantan-Dack, Mine


In between Academic and Artistic Research: Bridges and Borders.

GRS Autumn Course;

2022-11-29 - 2022-12-01.

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Baldelli, Heloise



Baldelli, Heloise; Wildschütz, Friederike


Je ne regrette rien - to datoer.

Baldelli, Heloise


Summertime - to datoer.

Baldelli, Heloise


En klassisk kabaret kveld.

Baldelli, Heloise


Søster Angelica.

Baldelli, Heloise


Konsert med KorEssa.

Baldelli, Heloise


Arbeidernesdag konsert.

Baldelli, Heloise



Baldelli, Heloise


Konsert med KorEssa.

Baldelli, Heloise


Konsert med KorEssa.

Baldelli, Heloise


Felles julekonsert.

Baldelli, Heloise


Du grønne glitrende tre.

Baldelli, Heloise; Wildschütz, Friederike


En stol, en sigarett og bein.

Baldelli, Heloise; Wildschütz, Friederike


Miroirs brûlants - åpen øvelse.

Åpen øvelse.

Baldelli, Heloise; Wildschütz, Friederike



Baldelli, Heloise



Baldelli, Heloise


Miracles come true.

Baldelli, Heloise


En middag med Puccini.

Baldelli, Heloise; Wildschütz, Friederike


En spasertur rundt Montmartre med Erik Satie (turné med 6 forestillinger).

Baldelli, Heloise


Dai Fiordi Norvegesi ai castelli romani (turné med 2 datoer).

Baldelli, Heloise


Fra Paris til Berlin - en kabaret kveld.

Baldelli, Heloise


Kafékonsert - Jul.

Baldelli, Heloise


Konsert med KorEssa.

Baldelli, Heloise


Arbeidernes dag konsert.

Baldelli, Heloise


Felles julekonsert med RSF.

Baldelli, Heloise


O helga natt, KorEssa sin julekonsert.

Baldelli, Heloise


Julekonsert i Vinterland.

Baldelli, Heloise


Konsert med KorEssa.

Baldelli, Heloise; Wildschütz, Friederike


Kunstnerisk innslag på Bjergsted-konferansen 2021.

Baldelli, Heloise


Miracles come true.