Kirsten Welschemeyer
Assistant Professor

Telephone: 51831151
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
About me
Practicing as an architect and partner in MAD arkitekter Stavanger, Kirsten Welschemeyer has plus 15 years of experience as an urban planner. Early in her studies she worked with the complexity of urban development and focused on; urban structures, functions, environmental and social aspects, politics in addition to the completion of developments based on strong ideals which is the primary motivation of her work. She is both practising as an architect and urban planner with Mad Stavanger, in addition to teaching urban planning at the University in Stavanger. This provides her with the unique opportunity to both practise and research urban planning on several scales.
Her interest in urban development began at an early phase while she was working with the University in Colombo on a masterplan for the harbour area in the city of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Later she gained further experience by working in Stavanger kommune at the department of urban development. Since 2011, Kirsten has been practising in the private sector with designing and developing masterplans, regulations and completion.
Kirsten sees Urban planning as a responsibility to create, innovate and develop cities as liveable environments which are functional, sustainable and provide guidelines for a better quality of live for everyone. The ability to combine research, legislation, creativity with the opportunity to see her plans through to completion is the cornerstone of her work.
Currently, she is teaching city planning and urban design at the University of Stavanger with a focus on sustainable development.
• BYG110_1 Byrommet
• BYGBBAC_1 Bacheloroppgave i Bygg - Byplanlegging
• BYGMAS_1 Masteroppgave byplanlegging
2017 - d.d. Mad arkitekter Stavanger, architect, urban planner + partner
2015 - d.d Universitetet i Stavanger, part time lecturer
2011 - 2017 Alliance arkitekter, Stavanger, architect, urban planner + department manager
2009 - 2011 Urban development department, Stavanger kommune, architect + urban planner
2006 - 2009 Torstein Ramberg AS, Oslo, architect
2005 - 2006 Landsbyarkitektene, Bærum, architect
2000-2005 Architektengemeinschaft Paul Niederberghaus GmbH, Ibbenbüren, Germany, student + architect