Tomasz Wiktorski


Tomasz Wiktorski


Telephone: 51832061


Room: KE E-446


Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

About me

Study Program Manager for MSc and PhD programs in Computer Science and Data Science.
My research focuses on analysis of large time series data combining conventional time series methods and deep learning approaches with data-intensive techniques from other domains. Primary application areas include:

  • biomedical data analysis (in particular: sport watches and other personal monitoring devices);
  • oil and gas drilling process automation and optimization;
  • prediction and optimization in energy and petroleum systems;
  • monitoring and optimization of data centers and cloud infrastructures;
  • other large time series data (e.g. sensor networks, smart city).

Complimentary research interests include development and evaluation of data science and other types of data-centered curricula and programs. Primarily in higher education, but also in early-stage schooling setting.
Thought courses:

  • DAT500 - Data-intensive Systems 2013-now
  • DAT220 - Databases 2017-2018
  • MID270 - Integrated Operations and Semantic Web Technologies 2011-2012