Xiaoan Zhong
Associate Professor

Email: xiaoan.zhong@uis.no
Room: KE E-377
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources
Associate Professor
Email: xiaoan.zhong@uis.no
Room: KE E-377
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Energy Resources
Zhong, Xiaoan; Escalona Varela, Alejandro
Evidence of rift segmentation and controls of Middle to Late Jurassic synrift deposition in the Ryggsteinen Ridge area, northern North Sea.American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin.
ISSN 0149-1423.
Volum 104.
Hefte 7.
DOI: 10.1306/03172018173
Zhong, Xiaoan; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Augustsson, Carita
Architecture of shoreface to deep-water systems in segmented rift systems: Evidence from the southern margin of the Sogn Graben, northern North Sea.Marine and Petroleum Geology.
ISSN 0264-8172.
Volum 117.
Zhong, Xiaoan; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Sverdrup, Einar; Bukta, Ken Endre
Impact of fault evolution in Gilbert-type fan deltas in the Evrostini area, south-central Gulf of Corinth, Greece.Marine and Petroleum Geology.
ISSN 0264-8172.
Volum 95.
Zhong, Xiaoan; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Bergan, Morten
Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous Tectonic Movements and Basin Evolution in the Northern North Sea. I: 79th EAGE Conference & Exhibition 2017.European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE).
ISBN 978-94-6282-217-7.
Zhong, Xiaoan; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Augustsson, Carita
Control of Upper Jurassic submarine fan systems by oblique-slip transfer faults in segmented rift systems: Evidence from the southern margin of the Sogn Graben, northern North Sea. I: NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, the 33rd Geological winter meeting.
Norsk Geologisk Forening.
ISBN 978-82-8347-041-3.
Seyfeli, Deniz; Zhong, Xiaoan
Lithological Heterogeneities in the Zechstein Group: Compressed Air Energy Storage Opportunities in Salt Caverns.
Energy Norway 2023;
2023-03-13 - 2023-03-15.
Zhong, Xiaoan; Escalona Varela, Alejandro; Sverdrup, Einar
Tectonic controls on Upper Jurassic shallow to deep-water deposition in the northern North Sea.
Vinterkonferansen 2017;
2017-01-09 - 2017-01-11.