Hosted by the University of South-Eastern Norway 23-26 October 2023 at campus Bø

Have you thought about how important communication and language are for the impact of your research? How aware are you of your use of language and communication in your role as a researcher? In this gathering, you will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills in this topic.
The overall theme for the PROFRES symposium at USN campus Bø is communication and language use in research and professional practices. During your research career, you communicate in a wide range of settings, from writing a proposal for acceptance into a PhD-program, communication with research participants, writing up an abstract or chronicle, discussing with your supervisor, and delivering a podcast or a TED talk. In this gathering, we will focus on the role that language and communication play in different levels of research, from the single words and metaphors used to represent persons and processes in research – to how to communicate research for a different audience with impact. Communication also plays a central role in the process of becoming a researcher in a research community, and we will look closer at the communication and relation between supervisor and PhD-candidate.
This symposium will make you reflect on language use and communication in your own research through lectures from nationally and internationally renowned researchers and communicators as well as practical “hands on” workshops on a selection of dissemination methods.
How to get to USN campus Bø:
From Oslo, Kristiansand, Stavanger: Train to Bø station.
From Sandefjord Torp: Bus to Bø station.
Walking distance from Bø station to campus. Hotel on campus.
Keynote: Elizabeth Stokoe
A method in search of a problem: From a core research message to impact

Elizabeth Stokoe is Professor in the Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science at The London School of Economics and Political Science, UK, as well as Honorary Professor at Loughborough University and Professor II at USN. Liz is a conversation analyst who has worked across many settings, and she has worked extensively with industry partners across multiple sectors, from education and medicine to law and technology. Her research seeks to identify, describe, and share (in) effective communication practices. Between 2020-2022 she participated in a UK government behavioural science group dealing with policing and security during the coronavirus pandemic. Her books include Talk: The Science of Conversation (2018), Crisis Talk (2022, with Rein Ove Sikveland and Heidi Kevoe-Feldman) and, forthcoming, Categories in Social Interaction (with Kevin Whitehead and Geoff Raymond) and Conversation Analysis for Conversation Design (with Saul Albert and Cathy Pearl), and her TED talk about conversation analysis has been viewed over 1M times.
Keynote: Rob Bongaardt
Staying with the trouble of communication and relationships within the modern doctorate

Since its inception some 900 years ago, the doctorate has come full circle. From being an affirmation of belonging to a profession and then a licence to teach, the doctorate has become a demonstration of research competence and, more recently, a skilful blend of research with social and professional interests. Not a straightforward journey ... perhaps more of a quest. Quests have heroes, a prize, guardians and helpers, trials and challenges, as well as stated and true reasons for going. Doctoral students recapitulate this 900-year quest in three to six years. In doing so, they are required to 'stay with the trouble' (cf. Haraway) of conversing in a variety of languages and navigating relationships with many actors. In this session we will unpack this ‘trouble’ together and discuss ways to be profoundly present to it.
Rob Bongaardt is Professor of Mental Health at USN, Porsgrunn. He teaches and researches at the intersection of the human, social and life sciences; the root metaphor of his thinking lies in 'complex systems dynamics'. Rob has been involved in the development and management of doctoral programmes for over 20 years. For the past seven years he has supported doctoral supervisors and those who train them in a variety of universities on three continents. Rob is also the academic director of the Research Leadership Programme at his home university. With Dr Anne Lee, he has published an edited volume on 'The Future of Doctoral Research' (Routledge 2021).
Keynote: Aslaug Veum
Language and metaphors in research

Aslaug Veum is Professor at the Department of Language and Literature, University of South-Eastern Norway. She has a doctorate in textual studies from the University of Oslo. She researches, among other things, textbooks, newspaper texts, social media, multimodal meaning-making and critical literacy. Veum leads the NFR-funded research project Critical literacy in a digital and global textual world (CritLit) from 2020 to 2023. She has published a number of articles and books, including: Text analysis. An introduction (2014, with K. Skovholt), Literacy in learning contexts (2013, with D. Skjelbred) and Discourse analysis in practice (2011, with T. R. Hitching and A. B. Nilsen, editors).
PROFRES Autumn Gathering 2023: Language and communication in research
Monday 23rd Oct, USN campus Bø
Language and metaphors in research
- 09:00-12:00 Optional social activity for participants arriving Bø Sunday evening/night.
- 12:00 LUNCHBOWL FROM HUSLY RESTAURANT. Room: 3rd floor canteen.
- 13:00 WELCOME (leader organizing committe, PROFRES Director). Room: 3rd floor canteen.
- 13:45 Break
- 14:00-16:30 Room: 5-117.
- 14:00 KEYNOTE Language and metaphors in research (Aslaug Veum, professor USN)
- 15:00 The role of language in communicating research (Åse Wetås, CEO The Language Council of Norway)
- 15:30 Group discussions, walk’n talk
- 16:15-16:30 Summary
- 17:30-18:30: OPTIONAL: Research Salon (James McGuirk, Professor VID/Nord). Reception, Bø hotel.
- 19.00 Informal dinner Provence Restaurant. You are free to make your own way to the restaurant or meet in the hotel lobby for a joint walk at 6.45 pm (12-minute walk). Address: Bøgata 70.
Tuesday 24th Oct, USN campus Bø
Communicating research 1
- Morning Walk (Lise Katrine Jepsen Trangsrud, USN). Meet Bø hotel reception.
- Morning Yoga (Sabrina Krogh Schmidt, USN). Room: 3rd floor canteen, USN.
- 09:00-12:00 Work in Progress.
- 09:00: Welcome (Birgitta Haga Gripsrud, PROFRES Director/UiS). Room: 3rd floor canteen.
- 09:30-11:45 Presentation of work in progress (group work), see separate detailed program. Rooms: 3-305, 1-113, 5-220, 5-210.
- 12:00 LUNCH FROM KAFE STUDENTEN. Room: 3rd floor canteen.
- 13:00 -16:30 Room: 5-115
- WORKSHOP The research - engagement - visibility - impact cycle (Liz Stokoe, Professor USN/ The London School of Economics and Political Science)
- Self-arranged dinner (options will be provided)
Wednesday 25th Oct, USN Campus Bø
Communicating research 2
- Morning Walk (Lise Katrine Jepsen Trangsrud, USN). Meet Bø hotel reception.
- Morning Yoga (Sabrina Krogh Schmidt, USN). Room: 3rd floor canteen, USN.
- 09:00-10:00 Room: 3rd floor canteen and 3-305.
- 09:00 Candidates' corner / Staff hour
- 10:00-10:45 Room: 5-115.
- 10:00 KEYNOTE A method in search of a problem: From a core research message to impact (Liz Stokoe, professor USN and LSE)
- 10:45 Break
- Infographics (Anki Strøm and Charlotte Beal, PhD-students USN and graphic designer). Room: 5-321.
- Podcast (Guttorm Andreasen, former journalist NRK). Room: 3rd floor canteen.
- Chronicle (Mina H. Nærland, journalist Aftenposten). Room: 3-305.
- Talk like TED (Liz Stokoe). Room: 5-223.
- 12:00: LUNCH FROM KAFE STUDENTEN. Room: 3rd floor canteen.
- 13:00: WS continue
- 15:00: Break
- 15:30 - 16:30 Room: 4-311A.
- 15:30 - 16:30: PANEL CONVERSATION: The researcher in the social debate in health, welfare and education. Panel members: Mina Nærland, Guttorm Andreassen, Runar Bakken, Liz Stokoe and PROFRES candidate/alumni.
- 19:00: Formal dinner at Evju Bygdetun. Transportation has been arranged, and leaves the hotel at 6.40 pm (15-minute drive).
Thursday 26th Oct, USN campus Bø
Communication and relations in research
- Morning Walk (Lise Katrine Jepsen Trangsrud, USN). Meet Bø hotel reception.
- Morning Yoga (Sabrina Krogh Schmidt, USN). Room: 3rd floor canteen, USN.
- 08:30 - 11:00 Room: 3rd floor canteen or Oppåstugo.
- 08:30 WORKSHOP: Staying with the trouble of communication and relationships within the modern doctorate (Rob Bongaardt, professor USN).
- 10:55 - 11:00: Summary and closure of symposium
- 11:00: LUNSJ "GRAB AND GO"