An important part of becoming an internationally recognized research centre is to disseminate scientific knowledge and results using a broad spectrum of appropriate arenas. It is equally important to disseminate research results to the general population, patients, healthcare professionals, research communities, students, leaders, and governmental bodies.

In line with the SHARE dissemination plan the SHARE researchers has throughout 2022 contributed to a range of popular science contributions through medias such as podcasts, lectures, stand up comedy and social media contributions.
The aim is to make research results related to quality and safety in healthcare easily accessible both nationally and internationally. The SHARE researchers recognize the importance of becoming active contributors inthe public debate in popular scientific channels and strive to contribute at different arenas.
Dissemination activities in 2022
- In February Siri Wiig and Carl Macrae provided input to the American initiative ‘National Patient Safety Board’ in the form of a Podcast interview. The initiative is like the Norwegian UKOM and HSIB in England. During the interview the professors were asked about their experience with the process of establishing the commissions in their respective countries and to give advice for how to proceed in America.
- In May Siri Wiig and Heidi Dombestein held a lecture at the UiS library for a broad audience ranging from PhD candidates to established researchers. The lecture spoke to the topic ‘Where to publish your work and how to handle the review process” and attracted a full auditorium of participants.
- Also in May, Karina Aase hosted a ‘Book chat’ in relation to her newly published book Patient Safety. During the event Aase discussed the content of her book with the experienced researcher and professor Geir Sverre Braut.
- In September postdoctoral candidate Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland went on stage to hold a 15 min stand-up comedy performance at “KåKå Kverulandkatedralen” in Stavanger. This event was hosted by the Norwegian research council. The aim of the stand-up comedy style event is to communicate your research in a short and understandable way. The audience was filled with research colleagues from SHARE and the crowd got quite a few laughs.
- In October the SHARE centre organized and hosted a workshop on how to write up chronicles on various topics related to quality and safety in healthcare. This in order to prompt the researchers and their engagement in the public discourse. Following the course two chronicles have been published. PhD candidate Siri Lerstøl wrote about the importance of interprofessional teamwork training and professor Karina Aase wrote about physicians’ responsibilities after patient injury in healthcare.
- In November Siri Wiig was nominated for and was awarded “Lyse’s Research Award” 2021. The award goes to Siri due to her extensive contribution within the area of patient safety research. In her acceptance speech she attributed the award to the whole SHARE centre and its researchers and the extensive research activity at the centre.
- Karina Aase, Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland, Hilda Bø Lyng, Veslemøy Guise and Inger Bergerød also contributed at the National Patient Safety Conference in Oslo, Norway in November 2022. The researchers contributed with a Key-note speech, workshops and inspirational videoclips for the over 2500 participants. This conference is the largest patent safety conference in Norway and provided the researchers with a great opportunity for engaging with representatives from healthcare organizations nationwide.
Collegial Research Activities
At SHARE we have a variety of various meeting arenas focusing on research dissemination and collegial discussions and overall socialising for all our affiliated researchers.
The longstanding tradition of hosting monthly research meetings has always been a priority for the SHARE research centre and has continued throughout 2022. A variety of different presentations and presenters has contributed to fruitful discussions and the traditions of using the monthly research meetings as an arena for our PhD candidates to present their work has continued. This year professor Stephen Billet (Griffith University, AUS) also presented some of his research at the October meeting with a presentation entitled “Integrating innovations and learning at work.”
The monthly research meetings at SHARE constitute an important arena for practicing scholarly presentations and for receiving feedback in an informal and constructive atmosphere. The research meetings have a solid tradition for providing constructive feedback and the arena strives to create a safe environment. It is also an arena for learning and sharing knowledge across research projects and across research disciplines as SHARE is a multidisciplinary research centre.
As previous years the SHARE writing seminar was held at Farsund Resort Hotel on the 16-18 of November and a group of twelve researchers attended the seminar. The three days were structured into eight writing sessions in combination with a social program, communal meals at the hotel and activities in the beautiful nature surrounding Farsund Resort Hotel. The seminar provides an opportunity to focus on writing but also to meet up with colleagues that normally work from other locations in Norway.
At the end of the year SHARE traditionally hosts a Christmas meeting marking the beginning of the holidays and this year’s venue was Jernaldergården at Ullandhaug. The program consisted of a presentation by professors Sissel Eikeland Husebø og Karina Aase entitled “Tools4Teams”: Marie Sklodowska Doctoral Networks Call. This is a EU grant for a doctorial network and will start its work in 2023. All participants enjoyed a nice meal and the traditional X-mas quiz.

Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland on stage at Forsker Stand Up

As previous years the SHARE writing seminar was held at Farsund Resort Hotel in November. Twelve researchers attended the seminar

Karina Aase and Geir Sverre Braut after their talk about Aase's book Patient safety.

At the end of the year SHARE traditionally hosts a Christmas meeting marking the beginning of the holidays, and this year’s venue was Jernaldergården at Ullandhaug

In October the SHARE centre organized and hosted a workshop on how to write chronicles on various topics related to quality and safety in healthcare.

In November Siri Wiig was awarded “Lyse’s Research Award” 2021. Researchers from SHARE recieved and celebrated the award on behalf of Siri who was in Australia at the time.

On the 24 – 25 of March 2022 SHARE hosted a seminar gathering representatives from our partners The Norwegian Air Ambulace (SNLA) and NTNU Gjøvik.

The purpose of the partner seminar was to update each other on current and planned research activities and to meet up in person as this had not been achieved in a while due to the pandemic.