Melissa Bond, associate professor 2 at the Knowledge Center for Education, has been appointed as a member of the editorial board of the journal Review of Education.

Melissa Bond, associate professor 2 at the Knowledge Center for Education (KSU), has joined the editorial board of the journal Review of Education.
Review of Education is an international peer-reviewed medium for the publication of major and substantial articles of interest to researchers in education, launched in 2013.
Melissa Bond joins the board along with Sin Wang Chong (University of St Andrews), Sarah Miller (Queen's University Belfast), Amy Wong (UEA) and Nina Bergdahl (Halmstad University).
– We are delighted to be appointed as editors of the Review of Education, a flagship journal of BERA that specialises in publishing major studies and evidence syntheses in educational research, a role that presents both an exciting opportunity and a humbling responsibility. Our aim is to steer the journal alongside BERA and our editorial board, with the goal of solidifying its position as one of the leading international journals in educational research, say the new members in a joint statement to the journal.